Overview of Agent Workspace

Agent Workspace is an interface that agents can use when making and receiving calls and chats through Vonage Contact Center.

In this page

Agents can access Agent Workspace directly or through the Vonage Contact Center admin portal. For information about accessing Agent Workspace, see Accessing Agent Workspace.

On opening Agent Workspace, agents are presented with the main user interface.

First visit to Agent Workspace

The first time agents visit Agent Workspace or any time they don't have any assigned interactions, the workspace will be largely empty.

Agent Workspace user interface


Along the top of the Agent Workspace is the banner containing the presence state, quick settings, app selector, and the agent's avatar.

Agent Workspace banner

Agent presence states

The agent's presence state appears in the Agent Workspace banner. The agent's presence state represents the agent's current working state and their availability for new interactions. They can change their presence state at any time. For information about agent states in Agent Workspace, see Agent states in Agent Workspace.

Agent Workspace agent summary and presence states

Quick settings

The cog iconin the banner allows the agent to access quick settings which contain settings such as callback number, delivery option, and audible notifications. For information about configuring quick settings, see Configuring quick settings in Agent Workspace.

Agent Workspace quick settings

App selector

The grid icon  in the banner enables the agent to go back to the VCC admin portal or to any other apps they may have access to. They can return at any time to Agent Workspace using the grid icon in other apps. For information about accessing Agent Workspace, see Accessing Agent Workspace.

Agent Workspace app selector


The avatar in the banner enables the agent to change their password, report a problem, or log out of Agent Workspace.

Agent Workspace avatar

Change password

For information about changing a password, see Managing your Agent Workspace password.

Report application problem

For information about reporting a problem, see Reporting problems in Agent Workspace.

Log out

For information about logging out of Agent Workspace, see Logging out of Agent Workspace.

Navigation menu

The navigation menu contains links to Agent Workspace, interaction history (coming soon), and the contact panel launcher.


Agent Workspace collapsed navigation bar


Agent Workspace expanded navigation bar

Interaction history

The interaction history icon Agent Workspace interaction history icon in the navigation bar enables the agent to see previous interactions, both calls and chats. Interactions filtered by missed calls, inbound and outbound calls, voicemails, chats, and so on. For information about interaction history, see Interaction history and voicemail in Agent Workspace.

User profile

The user profile icon  in the navigation bar enables the agent to configure certain settings for their account. Currently, agents can configure settings for messages only. For information about the user profile, see User profile in Agent Workspace. 

Contact panel

The contact panel icon Agent Workspace contact panel icon in the navigation bar enables the agent to open the contact panel. The contact panel contains two tabs.

Address book

The address book contains a list of entries — interaction plans, short codes, VCC agents, and other contact types depending on the configured integrations.


Using the keypad, an agent can enter a phone number for another contact.

For information about the contact panel, see Using the address book and keypad in Agent Workspace.

Main content area

The main area of Agent Workspace contains three sections.

Conversation log

The conversation log is the leftmost section of Agent Workspace. The first time an agent opens Agent Workspace, the conversation log will most likely be empty as shown in the First visit to Agent Workspace section earlier in this page. When the agent is logged in, in a ready presence state, and has been assigned one or more interactions, the conversation log contains a list of their interactions. Each call or chat is represented by a single item in the list; each interaction contains an icon that identifies the specific media used for the interaction, such as phone or webchat.

In the example below, the agent has two webchats assigned to them, one of which is new and the agent has not opened it or sent a response. The agent has one phone call and one SMS chat assigned to them. The agent has selected the phone call and the SMS chat has two new messages that are not yet read.

Agent Workspace conversation log

When an agent has a phone call assigned to them, the call bar appears at the bottom of the conversation log. This is where the agent can control the call.

Agent Workspace call bar

At the bottom of the conversion log, the type and number of waiting interactions appears. In the example below, the agent has 5 calls, 12 chats, and 8 emails waiting to be accepted.

When the agent selects an interaction in the conversation log, it opens in the conversation window and available related information about the contact in integrated CRMs opens in the insights panel.

For more information, see Interactions in Agent Workspace.

Conversation window

The conversation window shows information about the interaction selected in the conversation log.

Agent Workspace conversation window

For more information, see Interactions in Agent Workspace.

Consult/transfer (calls only)

In the conversation window, agents can click the consult/transfer icon  to consult with another contact about a call and optionally (warm) transfer it, or they can cold transfer the call to another contact without consulting them first. Consult and transfer are available only for calls, not chats.

For information about consulting on and transferring an interaction, see Consulting on and transferring interactions in Agent Workspace.

Text input area (chats only)

Agents can respond to chats in the text input area at the bottom of the conversation window. The text input area is available only for chats, not calls.

For information about responding to chats, see Receiving and responding to chats in Agent Workspace.

Log interaction

Agents can add a disposition code or notes about the interaction. The agent can do this during an interaction or at the end of it on the Log call or Log chat tab.

Log call tabLog chat tab

For information about logging interactions, see Logging an interaction in Agent Workspace.

Insights panel

If enabled, the insights panel contains CRM systems that have been integrated with Agent Workspace.

Agent Workspace insights panel

Agents can authorize Agent Workspace to access information in the CRM systems using their credentials.

When authorized, the insights panel will display information from the integrated CRM systems related to an agent's contact during an interaction. Agents can also retrieve, create, and update data in those systems as required.

For information about the insights panel, see Insights panel in Agent Workspace.

Support and documentation feedback

For general assistance, please contact Customer Support.

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