Versions Compared


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VCC Express

VCC bundled w/VBC Express

VCC Essentials

VCC bundled w/VBC Elevate

VCC Select

VCC Premium

Service Cloud Voice


From In the Q4 ‘22 release, we gave agents will have the ability to consult with VBC users, straight from the Omni-Channel widget or utility within Salesforce. Agents will can also be able to see if the user in VBC is available for a call or if they are already busy with another interaction.

This allows front office teams to easily contact back office teams. Agents can provide a better and quicker resolution to customers, as they can use one system to communicate with multiple parties.

Consult with VBC Contact Directory Users

For more information, see the Consulting, transferring, and conferencing (or merging) calls section in Vonage for Service Cloud Voice.

Consult with Microsoft Teams Contact Directory Users (tick)


VCC Express

VCC bundled w/VBC Express

VCC Essentials

VCC bundled w/VBC Elevate

VCC Select

VCC Premium

Service Cloud Voice


From In Q4 ‘22, agents will also have the ability we also enabled agents to consult with Microsoft Teams users, straight from the Omni-Channel widget or utility within Salesforce. Agents will can also be able to see if the user in Microsoft Teams is available for a call or if they are already busy with another interaction.

This allows front office teams to easily contact back office teams. Agents can provide a better and quicker resolution to customers, as they can use one system to communicate with multiple parties.

Consult with Microsoft Teams Contact Directory Users


For more information, see the Consulting, transferring, and conferencing (or merging) calls section in Vonage for Service Cloud Voice.

Salesforce Omni-Channel Flows Route VCC Calls to Agents (tick)


In Q4 ‘22, building on existing functionality, we enabled Salesforce Omni-Channel flows will be able to route inbound calls to agents, as well as to interaction plans. This allows you to make routing decisions in Salesforce as well as in VCC. It also provides the option of using Salesforce as a single routing engine for all interactions. Having a single routing engine can reduce setup and maintenance time. The single routing engine can also ensure agents are routed work effectively across all channels.

For more information, see the Omni-Channel flow routing section in Vonage for Service Cloud Voice.

Salesforce Omni-Channel Flows Support Multiple Record Popping (tick)


As part of our integration with Omni-Channel flows in Salesforce, from Q4 ‘22, within a flow you will be able to pop can pop multiple records at once when the call is delivered to the agent. This means additional context can be provided to agents as soon as the call is presented to them. In turn, this allows agents to review all relevant information more quickly which can help reduce average handle time of the call.

For more information, see the Omni-Channel flow routing section in Vonage for Service Cloud Voice.

Auto Select Callback Number Based on Prefix of Number Dialed (tick)


VCC Express

VCC bundled w/VBC Express

VCC Essentials

VCC bundled w/VBC Elevate

VCC Select

VCC Premium

Service Cloud Voice


After Since the Q4 ‘22 release, agents will can automatically present a callback number based on the prefix of the number dialed when making an outbound call in Service Cloud Voice. When making an outbound call to a geographical number, a callback number from the same geographical region is automatically selected and then presented. Automatically presenting local geographical numbers can reduce pre call admin time for agents as well as increase the likelihood of the recipient answering the call.

For more information, see the Prefix-based callback numbers section in Vonage for Service Cloud Voice.

Desktop Notifications for Inbound Calls (tick)


Not all agents spend all their time using Salesforce. For some of the time they may be using other applications such as Microsoft Word or Excel, or another browser-based application. When a call is presented to the agent within the Salesforce web application, the agent may not see it as their focus is on the other application. After In the Q4 ‘22 release, a desktop notification will appear, showing we added desktop notifications that show the agent that there is an inbound call. The agent can click on the notification to be taken to the Salesforce web application for Service Cloud Voice.

For more information, see the Desktop notifications for inbound calls section in Using Vonage for Service Cloud Voice.

Queued Callbacks (tick)


VCC Express

VCC bundled w/VBC Express

VCC Essentials

VCC bundled w/VBC Elevate

VCC Select

VCC Premium

Service Cloud Voice


Queued callbacks are a core part of the Vonage Contact Center platform. Also known as virtual hold, it enables callers to drop from the inbound call queue while retaining their position in the queue. The caller is then contacted by the first available agent user. From Q4 ‘22 we are adding this capability to This capability is now available in our Service Cloud Voice integration. The configuration for queued callbacks in SCV is the same as for the core Vonage Contact Center platform.

For more information, see the Queued callbacks section in Vonage for Service Cloud Voice.

Salesforce Open CTI

Log A Call Enhancements in Lightning (tick)


In the Q4 ‘22 release, we will give gave Salesforce administrators greater control over Vonage’s Log a Call Lightning component. This feature is only available to users within Salesforce’s Lightning Experience, not within Classic.

We will allow administrators to Administrators can now restrict the objects that a call can be related to by replacing the standard RelatedTo Field on the Log a Call component with a custom field. We will They can also allow remove either or both of the Name and RelatedTo fields.

For more information, see Restricting which object types agents can relate calls to and Hiding fields for relating calls to be removedobjects.

VCC-VBC Integrated Experience



VCC Express

VCC bundled w/VBC Express

VCC Essentials

VCC bundled w/VBC Elevate

VCC Select

VCC Premium

Service Cloud Voice









Today Previously, managing feature permissions for supervisor and admin users can could be done only within User Access and only for individual users. Permissions cannot couldn't be managed for multiple users at the same time.

In the Q4 ‘22 release, we are migrating migrated permission management into User Admin. This will be was done in parity with User Access and will take takes advantage of User Admin capabilities.

The new section of feature permissions will be is now available in the single user form and in bulk actions. The ability to manage user permissions through bulk actions will improve improves efficiency and significantly reduce reduces time to manage permissions for multiple users.

For more information, see Configuring admin and supervisor feature permissions and the Permissions settings—Feature permissions section in Configuring multiple users (using bulk actions).

Service Name Reporting Improvements (tick)


Before the launch of Interaction Plans Manager (IPM), Interaction Architect had a one-to-one relationship between destinations and interaction plans. The name of the destination would always be provided to Salesforce Advanced Reporting, Insights Stats API, and Analytics in the service name property.

IPM aims to reduce reduced the number of interaction plans and removes removed this one-to-one relationship — many destinations can be mapped to a single interaction plan. Reporting groups, which relate to interaction plans, replace replaced the service names. Removing service names makes made reporting on landing destinations/numbers more difficult and reduces reduced the visibility of where interactions originate.

In Q4 ‘22, we are adding added a new property to destinations within IPM. This property allows admins to choose the source of the service name that will be assigned to the interaction for reporting.


  • Reporting group (Default)
  • Interaction plan name
  • Destination name

The configured value will flow flows through to the Insights Stats API, Analytics, Dashboards, and Salesforce Advanced Reporting.

For more information, see the Service names section in Interaction Plans Manager and Viewing service names in Dashboards.

Automatic Presence Change After Wrap or Unexpected State (tick)


VCC Express

VCC bundled w/VBC Express

VCC Essentials

VCC bundled w/VBC Elevate

VCC Select

VCC Premium

Service Cloud Voice









Currently when When an agent finishes a call they go into a wrap state and then back to a ready state. If the Or, if an agent can’t take a call for some reason they will be put into an unexpected state. If there is a timeout set for unexpected states they will go back to a ready state when the timeout expires. In this release, we will allow administrators to Previously, after a configured timeout for the wrap or unexpected state expired, the agent would go back to a ready state. Since Q4 '22, administrators can configure post-wrap and post-unexpected states in each queue to control the state the agent is set to be in after a call or after a no-answerthe wrap or unexpected state times out.

For more information, see Changing post wrap state and Changing post unexpected and fault state.

Removal of Duplicate Queued Callbacks (tick)


VCC Express

VCC bundled w/VBC Express

VCC Essentials

VCC bundled w/VBC Elevate

VCC Select

VCC Premium

Service Cloud Voice









CurrentlyPreviously, if a caller is was routed to a queue multiple times and requests requested a callback each time, they will would receive multiple callbacks.

In the Q4 '22 release, we are updating updated the Callback applet to check whether there is already a callback for this caller in this applet. If a callback already exists, the applet doesn’t create a new request. The Callback applet uses the caller's CLID to check for an existing callback. If the caller requests a callback from a different Callback applet—associated with a different queue possibly—they will still receive an additional callbackan additional callback.

For information, see the Duplicate callback calls section in Queued callbacks.


Historical Data Available From 2018 Onwards (tick)


VCC Express

VCC bundled w/VBC Express

VCC Essentials

VCC bundled w/VBC Elevate

VCC Select

VCC Premium

Service Cloud Voice










In the Q4 ‘22 release, we are enabling enabled Analytics to access historical data starting from 14th February 2018. Data from before February 2018 can be retrieved only from Stats and Reportsretrieved only from Stats and Reports.

For more information, see the What range of historical data is available? section in Overview of Analytics.

Data Displayed in Viewer's Time Zone (tick)


VCC Express

VCC bundled w/VBC Express

VCC Essentials

VCC bundled w/VBC Elevate

VCC Select

VCC Premium

Service Cloud Voice









Currently Previously, when opening default dashboards, depending on the region of the user’s VCC account, dashboards will would be displayed in the time zone for London (EMEA), Los Angeles (NAM), or Sydney (APAC).

In the Q4 release, dashboards will Dashboards now display data by default in the viewer's time zone according to their browser’s configuration.

For more information, see the What time zone the data is displayed in? section in Overview of Analytics.

Beta/Early Access Program



VCC Express

VCC bundled w/VBC Express

VCC Essentials

VCC bundled w/VBC Elevate

VCC Select

VCC Premium

Service Cloud Voice









We are making changes to In Q4 '22 release, we changed how manual wrap is handled in single-interaction ContactPad and making made it available in multi-interaction ContactPad. Instead of entering an unlimited manual wrap state, agents will be able to can manually extend their automatic wrap state an unlimited number of times. This extended wrap will expire like automatic wrap if the agent stops extending it. Customers who are interested in trialing and providing feedback have this feature enabled prior to a wider release.


With Vonage’s existing intended state feature, an agent can set the state that the agent wants to be in after their current interaction ends. This gives agents a convenient way to manage their status after a call and avoids calls being delivered to agents who need to stop working. Currently this feature is available on request, in In the Q4 release we will enable enabled this feature for all accounts.


User Access permission management - Deprecated

From the Q4 '22 release, User Admin will provide has provided the ability to manage users’ full permissions. Therefore, we are announcing deprecation of user permission management in User Access will be deprecated.

Projected retirement date: Q1, 2023.


Motivate will no longer be provided by Vonage as a product and we are announcing its deprecationwill be deprecated. You can continue to purchase this through CloudApps or use our alternative Gamification product.


Inspire will no longer be provided by Vonage as a product and we are announcing its deprecationwill be deprecated. Our native dashboards provide you with the ability to have wallboard functionality. The data that Vonage Contact Center inserts into Salesforce that Inspire consumes will continue to be passed to Salesforce.


From the Q4 release, the ability to extend wrap is available. This wrap mechanism will replace replaces the unlimited manual wrap feature in single-interaction ContactPad. Extend Extended wrap is available in Early Access for customers who would like to enable it before manual wrap is deprecated.
