Title: | Using Interaction Plans Architect | |
Owner: | Helen Griffith | |
Creator: | Helen Griffith | Jul 22, 2014 |
Last Changed by: | Helen Griffith | Jan 20, 2022 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://docs-vcc.atlassian.net/wiki/x/MAE8Aw | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Incoming Links
Vonage Contact Center Product Documentation (2)
Omni-channel routing process in Unite Overview of Interaction Plans Architect |
Children (39)
Changing post unexpected and fault state
Changing post wrap state
Changing the active interaction plan remotely
Configuring breakouts
Configuring equal call distribution
Configuring language packs for custom applet announcements
Creating a call plan for the IVR Secure Payments solution
Creating a call plan to use Global Voice Assurance
Creating a post-call survey
Creating a Salesforce record
Changing post unexpected and fault state
Changing post wrap state
Changing the active interaction plan remotely
Configuring breakouts
Configuring equal call distribution
Configuring language packs for custom applet announcements
Creating a call plan for the IVR Secure Payments solution
Creating a call plan to use Global Voice Assurance
Creating a post-call survey
Creating a Salesforce record
Global Labels (1)