Linking Vonage Contact Center to a Microsoft Dynamics 365 account

To use Data Connectors to retrieve, create, and update data from or in a Microsoft Dynamics 365 account, you must link Vonage Contact Center (VCC) to a Dynamics 365 user account. VCC uses the linked user account to perform actions in Dynamics 365. These actions include finding a Dynamics 365 record, creating a new record, and updating an existing record during a call.

The linked user must have enough privileges to allow for these actions. You can connect a Dynamics 365 user account to a single VCC account.

You only need to perform this task once for your account. When you link VCC to a Dynamics 365 user account, VCC stores the access token and refresh token for the future interactions. VCC does not store any Dynamics 365 user credentials.

When you have linked your accounts, you can retrieve data from and create and update data in your linked Dynamics 365 accounts using Data Connector applets. For information, see Using Data Connector applets with an integrated and linked CRM system.

How do I link VCC to a Dynamics 365 account?

To link VCC to your Dynamics 365 account, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to VCC. For information about logging in to VCC, see Logging in to the Vonage Contact Center Admin Portal.

  2. Go to CRM Admin (within Business Apps). CRM Admin appears. If you cannot see CRM Admin, contact support.

  3. The MS Dynamics Authorisation section appears. If you cannot see MS Dynamics Authorisation and think you should be able to, contact support.

    The MS Dynamics account credentials area displayed in one of two statuses:

    • Unlinked. You have not linked VCC to a Dynamics 365 account.
    • Linked. You have already linked VCC to a Dynamics 365 account.
  4. Click Link. A Dynamics 365 login page opens in a new browser window.

  5. Log in to your Dynamics 365 org. In the same browser window, Permission requested from Vonage will appear.

  6. Click Accept to enable VCC to access your Dynamics 365 org using the user's credentials. The Dynamics 365 browser window closes.

  7. In VCC, the CRM Administration page updates, and your Dynamics 365 status is Linked and the linked date will be displayed.

To unlink your account, click Unlink. A message appears to inform you that your Dynamics 365 integration will no longer work. The CRM Admin page updates and the status of your Dynamics 365 account credentials is Unlinked.

Support and documentation feedback

For general assistance, please contact Customer Support.

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