
The queued callbacks feature enables an external contact to request a callback rather than waiting for an agent to answer their call. If queued callbacks are enabled for your account, a callback request may be routed to you. For more information about queued callbacks, see Queued callbacks.

If you receive a call that is a request for a callback to the contact who previously requested it, the call appears in the call bar like an inbound call with an inbound call icon . A callback badge will also appear in the call bar .

If you accept the callback request (manually or automatically), the callback request becomes a callback to the contact. The callback itself appears like an outbound call with an outbound call icon  and you hear ringing until you are connected to the number that the callback was requested to. If you cannot continue with the callback right now, you may be able to reject it. For information about rejecting a call, see earlier in this page.

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