Duplicating a dynamic Dial List

Duplicating a dynamic Dial List

If enabled for your account, in Connect you can duplicate an existing Dial List. You can only duplicate Dial Lists created from a filter; you cannot duplicate static Dial Lists or lists created from a report or from a view. If you click to duplicate a static Dial List or a list created from a report, an error appears. For information about dynamic Dial Lists, see Dynamic Dial Lists.

This feature resembles the standard clone feature. For information about cloning a record in Salesforce, see Salesforce help.

To duplicate a Dial List, locate and open the Dial List you want to duplicate. Click Duplicate. A new Dial List appears in edit mode. Your new Dial List is a duplicate of the existing Dial List other than the list is inactive and has no assigned users.

If the Duplicate button does not appear, you must add the button to your Dial List page layout. For information about adding a custom button to a page layout, see Salesforce help.

Before you or any assigned agents can use your Dial List, you must complete the following tasks:

  • Assign Dial Lists to agents. By default, Connect assigns all call records in static lists to you.
  • Activate the Dial List.

You can also edit filters (where applicable), change the priority of a Dial List, set permissible call times, and edit custom fields.

For information about these tasks, see Editing a Dial List.

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