Vonage Agent Summary fields


NameThe name of this Vonage Agent Summary record.

AgentThe name of the user this record relates to.

AgentIDThe agent ID in Vonage Contact Center.

RoleThe agent's role, within their user profile, on the day this summary was created.

First Activity Date TimeDate/time stamp of the agent's first activity on this day. First Activity Date Time appears in the current user's time zone and localized format.

Last Activity Date TimeDate/time stamp of the last activity on this day. Last Activity Date Time appears in the current user's time zone and localized format.

Local Date

Date of the summary in the agent's time zone, respecting local daylight saving time.

Time ZoneThe time zone the agent is situated in.

UTC DateThe UTC date respective to the agent location.

Day of WeekDay numbering from Monday=1, Tuesday=2, and so on, based on the value of Local Date, defaulting to UTC Date if Local Date absent.

Number of LogoutsThe number of times an agent logged out during this day.
Agent Statistics

Number of Agent SelectedThe number of times this agent was selected to answer and then answered a call from the queue.

Number of No AnswersThe number of times this agent did not answer their phone whilst in a Ready state just prior to the call being presented.

Number of Inbound CallsAll calls handled including ones delivered through an ACD, transfer, or conference.

Number of HoldsThe number of times this agent put interactions on hold.

Number of ParksThe number of times this agent parked interactions.

Number of InterruptsThe number of times this agent's interactions were interrupted.

Number of Times ConsultedThe number of times this agent was invited to a consultation.

No Answers to ConsultThe number of times this agent was invited to a consultation but did not answer.

Number of Inbound TransfersSubset of all inbound calls, including only those transferred to the agent directly (not through a queue transfer).

Number of Outbound CallsThe number of outbound calls this agent made, including attempts where there was no connection with the dialed party.

Number of Line BusyThe number of times this agent was reported Line Busy.

Number of AwaysThe number of times this agent selected an Away state.

Number of Extended AwaysThe number of times this agent selected an Extended Away state.

Number of WrapsThe number of times this agent selected the Wrapup (Manual) state or been placed in Auto Wrap after an interaction.

Number of Wrap PhasesCounts a series of consecutive wraps—for example, Auto then Manual Wrap—as a single wrap phase.

Ready Time (hh:mm)The duration of time this agent was in a Ready state (hh:mm).

Ready For Outbound Time (hh:mm)The duration of time this agent was in a Ready for Outbound or Ready Offline state (hh:mm).

Inbound Call Time (hh:mm)The duration of time this agent spent in a Busy Inbound state (hh:mm). Inbound Call Time includes the time that the agent's phone was ringing and the time that the agent was connected to the inbound call. The time that the agent was connected to the inbound call includes hold time. Inbound Call time does not include wrap times.

Inbound Transfer Time (hh:mm)The duration of time this agent spent in a transfer in state (hh:mm).

Outbound Call Time (hh:mm)The duration of time this agent spent in a Busy Outbound state (hh:mm). Outbound Call Time includes the time that the agent was connected to the outbound call. The time that the agent was connected to the outbound call includes hold time. Outbound Call time does not include wrap times.

Line Busy Time (hh:mm)The duration of time this agent spent in a Line Busy state (hh:mm).

Away Time (hh:mm)The duration of time this agent was in an Away state (includes any Away minor states such as break, comfort break etc) (hh:mm).

Extended Away Time (hh:mm)The duration of time this agent was in an Extended Away state (includes any Extended Away minor states such as lunch, training etc) (hh:mm).

Wrap Time (hh:mm)The duration of time this agent spent in a wrap state. This includes both automatic and manual wrap states (hh:mm).

Total State Time (hh:mm)The total duration of time this agent spent in any state since login (hh:mm).
Durations UnconvertedThese fields contain time-based statistics from the Agent Statistics section in seconds.

Ready TimeThe duration of time this agent was in a Ready state (seconds).

Ready For Outbound TimeThe duration of time this agent was in a Ready for Outbound or Ready Offline state (seconds).

No Answer TimeThe duration of time this agent spent in a No Answer state (seconds).

Line Busy TimeThe duration of time this agent spent in a Line Busy state (seconds).

Fault TimeThe duration of time this agent spent in Fault On Line or Network Congestion states (seconds).

Away TimeThe duration of time this agent was in an Away state (includes any Away minor states such as break, comfort break, and so on) (seconds).

Extended Away TimeThe duration of time this agent was in an Extended Away state (includes any Extended Away minor states such as lunch, training, and so on) (seconds).

Inbound Call Time

The duration of time this agent spent in a Busy Inbound state (seconds).

Inbound Call Time includes the time that the agent's phone was ringing and the time that the agent was connected to the inbound call. The time that the agent was connected to the inbound call includes hold time. Inbound Call time does not include wrap times.

Inbound Transfer TimeThe duration of time this agent spent in a Transfer In state (seconds).

Outbound Call Time

The duration of time this agent spent in a Busy Outbound state (seconds).

Outbound Call Time includes the time that the agent was connected to the outbound call. The time that the agent was connected to the outbound call includes hold time. Outbound Call time does not include wrap times.

Hold TimeThe total duration of Holds initiated by this agent (seconds). 

Park TimeThe total time that interactions were parked by this agent (seconds).

Interrupted TimeThe total time that that agent's interactions were interrupted (seconds).

Wrap up TimeThe duration of time this agent spent in a wrap state. This includes both automatic and manual wrap states. (seconds).

Total State TimeThe duration of time this agent spent in a state other than Logged Out (seconds).

Longest State TimeThe longest duration of time this agent spent in a single state (seconds).

State ListComma-delimited list of states and total durations in seconds. For example, Away-344,Ringing Inbound-87,Busy Inbound-6814,Wrap Up-1009,Hold-1315,Logged Out-95145


These fields are intended to help group calls when charting data in Salesforce Summary reports.

Week of YearSimple week count of the UTC week number of the event start in String field.

Numeric Week of YearNumeric week of the year as for Week of Year but in Number field.

Local ISO8601 WeekWeek number in ISO8601 form of the start of the event in the local time zone. For example, 2018-W26-2.

Month of YearMonth of year. For example, (6) Jun.

Fiscal QuarterFiscal quarter this year. For example, Q2-2018.

UTC ISO8601 WeekWeek number in ISO8601 form of the date in UTC. For example, 2018-W26-2.

System Information

Do not edit the following fields.

dateAgentIdUnique key based on the Agent's local date and the Agent's Id in the form YYYYMMDD[AgentID] . For example, 201806260001 is the key for for agent 0001's activities on 26th June 2018.

VersionThe version of the package which created the record.

Key Event StringPipe-delimited list of raw events in time order in the form nnnnn[Event]:[duration in seconds] where nnnnn is the number of seconds from midnight zero-padded to 5 digits. Key Event String is used in de-duplicating events.

ChkStrComma-delimited list of raw events' major categories and durations in seconds and the hours, minutes and seconds from midnight. ChkStr is used in de-duplicating events.

IEvtStrTransient data is placed here by the system; do not edit the field or use it in reports.
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