Vonage Call Summary fields

Vonage Call Summary fields


NameThe name of this Vonage Call Summary record.

Service Name

For inbound interactions:

  • If you are using Interaction Plans Manager:
    • The service name value assigned to the interaction as configured in Interaction Plans Manager.
      Service name can be the name of the destination used to contact VCC, the name of the interaction plan in which the interaction was first processed, or the reporting group of the interaction plan in which the interaction was first processed.
      For information about configuring service names in Interaction Plans Manager, see the Service names section in Interaction Plans Manager or the Service name for reports field in the How do I create a new API destination? section in Using Interaction Plans Manager
  • Otherwise:
    • The service name value assigned to the interaction plan.

For outbound interactions, the value will be empty.

Vonage Telephone Number

For inbound calls: the telephone number the caller entered VCC on. May not always be number the caller dialed.

For outbound calls: the callback number

CallGUIDUnique identifier for this call

Conversation GUIDUnique identifier for calls grouped in a conversation, such as the calls involved in a queued callback.

Task ExistsBox is checked when an activity record or task has been created for this interaction.

Task LinkLink to the Salesforce task record relating to this interaction, if available

Related ToThe name of the related account if known from the account, case, opportunity or contact; otherwise the contact's or lead's name if known.

Related ContactThe contact this call relates to

Related AccountThe account this call relates to

Data Source Values

A comma-delimited list of mapped data sources in your account and their values in name:value pairs.

Data Source Mappings

For data source values to appear, the data sources must be mapped in the Data Source Mappings section of the VCC Admin Portal. For information about Data Source Mappings, see Data Source Mappings.

Interaction Type

Outbound Call: Interaction is an outbound call made by using either Click to dial, make call or Connect.

Inbound Call or Phone: Interaction is an inbound telephone call.

Case, email, web chat, and so on: Non-call interaction. Such interactions are displayed in a different page layout to calls.

CallTimeDate and time stamp indicating the start of the call

Total Call Duration

For inbound calls: The total elapsed time, in seconds, from the first person (the caller) connecting to the call to the last person disconnecting from the call.

For outbound calls: The total time — plus ringing — from the first person (the agent) connecting to the call to the last person disconnecting from the call. If the agent transfers the call, the time extends until the last person disconnects from the call.

Time does not include agent wrap time, or unexpected agent state (such as delivery failed, no answer time, call rejected, and fault) time.

CallEndTime Date and time stamp indicating the end of the call

Queued CallbackCheck box. Queued Callback check box is selected if the interaction is part of a queued callback conversation

Call ResultCopied from the Call Result field on the related Salesforce task record (if available). Often used for disposition code or next action by Salesforce users as well as the outcome of a Connect call.

Related LeadThe lead this call relates to.

Related CaseThe case this call relates to.

Related OpportunityThe opportunity this call relates to.

MonitoredCheck box. The Monitored check box is selected if the call was monitored.
Caller and Agent Related

Vonage AgentIDVCC Agent ID for the initial agent handling the call.

AgentThe name of the initial agent (as recorded in their Salesforce user record) handling the call.

Agent Phone NumberThe telephone number Vonage Contact Center delivers the call to; also referred to as direct dial number, DID or DDI.

Agent2 IDVCC AgentID for the agent the call was transferred to from the original agent.

Agent2The name of the agent (as recorded in their Salesforce user record) who received the call following a transfer from the original agent.

External Transfer PhoneThe external phone number the call was transferred to in case of an external transfer.

CLIDThe number presented by the caller (caller ID). Alternatively a case ID for interactions routed through a UCD applet.

Time Zone

Time zone this event occurred in—for example, Europe/London. The time zone is from the perspective of the last agent or the user who configured the channel if no agent details are available 

Queue NameThe name of the Queue where the interaction waited to be answered. Where a call spends time in different queues, Queue Name is Multiple and the individual queue names and durations are listed in Queue List. If the interaction visited just one named queue several times, the name of that queue is recorded.

Queue List

A comma-delimited list of queue periods experienced by the caller or consumer during the interaction; comprises the name of the queue and the duration spent in it in order of queue episodes. The information appears in the following format:

QueueName-duration, QueueName-duration, ...

For example, if an interaction spent 30 seconds in Queue A and 15 seconds in Queue B, Queue List contains the following values:

Queue A-30,Queue B-15

Queue & Agent-Queue ListSimilar to Queue List but includes all the queue periods experienced by agents too. In a warm transfer to queue, the caller is placed on hold while the agent waits in queue for a colleague. Only the agent can break out of the queue; the caller doesn't experience the queue unless the agent hangs up, in which case the caller takes their place in the queue.

Ring List

Similar to Queue List, a comma-delimited list of agents that the interaction was routed to along with the duration of ringing for each agent. The information appears in the following format:

Vonage AgentID:duration, Vonage AgentID:duration, ...

For example, if an interaction was routed to agent 123 and agent 123's phone rang for 30 seconds, and then the interaction was routed to agent 456 and agent 456's phone rang for 15 seconds, Ring List contains the following values:

123:30, 456:15

Last Agents Calls this DayLink to Vonage Agent Summary record for the last agent to contribute an event to this call.

Agent List

Agent IDs for all agents involved in the call and the duration of time they spent connected to the call. Multiple values are separated by commas. The information appears in the following format:

Vonage AgentID-duration, Vonage AgentID-duration, ...

For example, where agent 110 spent 45 seconds connected to the call, and agent 475 spent 103 seconds connected to the call, Agent List contains the following values:

110-45, 275-103

Skills ListA comma-delimited list of the skills which the interaction was tagged with when the interaction was placed in queue
Call Segments & Times

AutomationThe amount of time a caller spent in an interaction plan—in menu applets, announcement applets, and so on—before entering a queue.

Number of AppletsNumber of applets that the interaction was routed through: announcements, menus, digit collections, callouts to other systems, skill taggers, and so on.

Queue Duration

The time, in seconds, that the interaction spent waiting in a queue or queues.

Ring duration

Queue Duration includes ring duration as the interaction remains in the queue while an agent is being rung. The two events occur concurrently:

If an interaction was in a queue for 10 seconds, Queue Duration would be 10 seconds. If the assigned agent was being rung at the same time, for 2 seconds, Queue Duration would still be 10 seconds.

Delivery AttemptsCount of the number of attempts to deliver an interaction to agents. Defaults to 1 for internal calls.

Total Ring Duration

For inbound calls: The total time in seconds that Vonage Contact Center attempted to deliver the interaction to an agent from a queue. The value is sum of the durations of ringing for the agents to whom the interaction was offered.

For outbound calls: The total time, in seconds, that an agent spent ringing a third party before the call was answered or dropped.

Last Ring Duration

For inbound calls: The time in seconds of the last attempt to connect with an agent.

For outbound calls: The time that an agent spent ringing a third party before the call was answered.

Agent Talk Time

Total talk time in seconds for original agent. Time excludes ringing, hold, consult, transfer and post call work time.

Transfer time

Add Agent Talk Time and Agent2 Transfer Time to include talk time for agent handling call when transferred.

Hold TimeThe total duration in seconds that the interaction spent on hold or parked. Hold Time includes the time that two parties—for example, two agents—consulted with each other prior to a transfer. Hold time is included in handle time for calls, but for non-calll interactions, on hold interactions are considered to be parked and therefore do not count as handle time for any agents.

Park TimeTotal time in seconds that the interaction was parked and was therefore not being handled.

Interrupted TimeTotal time in seconds that the interaction was interrupted by a higher priority interaction and was therefore not being handled.

Agent Consult TimeTime spent by agent or agents consulting other agents. Consult Time is included in handle time.

Number of TransfersNumber of times that an agent transferred the call to another agent or automated system such as the Mid-call Payment Transfer System or a queue.

Warm Transfer TimeTime spent by agent consulting with next agent before transferring the call to them. Warm Transfer Time is included in handle time because the second agent is working on the interaction for the consultation time.

Transfer Time

Total of all connected agent durations after the call is first transferred to a second agent.

PCI TimeTotal time, in seconds, that the caller spent interacting with PCI payment systems. PCI Time is included in handle time as the agent is placed on hold for the duration.

External Consult TimeTotal time, in seconds, that the agent spent consulting on an external line.

External Transfer TimeTotal time, in seconds, that the call was transferred to an external line.

After Call Work TimeAmount of time spent on post call activity. Post call activity includes manual and automatic wrap activities for the agent (or agents if the original agent transferred the call).

Post Call Automation Segment

Time that the interaction spent in post-call applets—for example, a post-call survey—after the agent ended the call.

Handle Time

Total time all agents spent working a call or non-call interaction.

For non-call interactions: Handle Time does not include Hold Time.

For outbound calls: Handle Time includes the time that the agent waits for the other party to pick up.

Recording DurationFor inbound and outbound calls: The total duration in seconds of the call recording.

Number of Call Recording InterruptsThe number of times the call recording was paused or interrupted either automatically by VCC (during a PCI-compliant mid-call payment or during holds or consults) or manually by the agent.

Message Taken

Indicates whether a voice message was captured or left for this call.

Before version 2.77, this checkbox was selected when an interaction was routed through a Take Message or Voicemail applet. The checkbox was selected even if a voice message was not left by the caller. From version 2.77 — for calls starting after September 1, 2022 — the checkbox is only selected if a message is left. The checkbox therefore accurately reflects the presence of a message or not. 

Abandoned Indicates whether the interaction was abandoned before or after entering a queue, but before being connected to an agent.

Short Abandon Calls abandoned within 10 seconds.

ConnectedIndicates that the interaction was connected. Selected if two or more parties were connected.

Call DivertedTrue if a Call Divert or Call Connect Router (CCR) was used.

Number of Warm TransfersNumber of transfers directly from one agent to another rather than through a queue.

Number of Transfers to Applet

Number of times the interaction was transferred by agents to further applets. An agent would usually transfer the interaction to queue but can also direct the caller to a menu or survey.

Number of PCI TransfersNumber of times the call went into PCI payment phases.

End AppletThe last applet an interaction was routed through before being terminated by either party.

End Reason

Shows the party—Customer or Agent—who ended the call.


Local HourStart hour from the perspective of the last agent's or the company's default time zone adjusted for DST if applicable.

Local Day of WeekDay of week in the time zone of the agent or the user who configured the channel if no agent details are available.

Local DateDate from the perspective of the last agent's or the company's default time zone adjusted for DST if applicable.

Local ISO8601 WeekWeek number in ISO8601 form of the start of the event in its local time zone.


Text-sortable format—for example, YYYY/08/6-Saturday/00. Use this field to group and sort calls in reports

Month of Year Month of year

UTC Hour UTC hour of the day

UTC Day of WeekDay of the week this call was received on in UTC

UTC DateUTC Date of the Call

UTC ISO8601 WeekWeek number in ISO8601 form of the start of the event in UTC

Week of YearSimple Week count of the UTC Week number of the event start

Calendar QuarterCalendar Quarter
Summary Record Processing

ServerThe server or cloud this call data was retrieved from

ChannelChannel used to import this record

End RecordedTrue if call end event was received from the API

Start RecordedIndicates that the API received a call start event for the call. Selected for all calls for which the API has retrieved all data.


Today's date and agent ID. Value appears in [YYYYMMDD][Agent Id] format.

Use Salesforce search to find a specific agent's summary record for a specific date..

Last State

Shows the final state logged during this call. The value can be one of the following:

  • Automation Abandoned. The call was abandoned before reaching a queue.

  • Hang Up On Connect. The call was connected, but one of the parties hung up within the first 0.5 seconds of the call.
  • Message Taken (A). The call was automatically routed to a Take Message applet, for example, during out of hours. 

  • Message Taken (Q). The call was routed to a Take Message applet when the caller broke out of a queue.

  • Call Back Set. A queued callback was requested by the caller.
  • Queue Abandoned. The call was abandoned by the caller while waiting in the queue.

  • NoAgentsBreakout. The call ended after breaking out of a queue because there were no available agents.
  • QueueTimeBreakout. The call ended after breaking out of a queue after reaching the maximum time allowed in the queue.
  • VoluntaryBreakout. The call ended after the caller broke out of the queue by pressing a key.
  • CCR Handled. The call was routed to an agent by a Call Connect Router applet. 

  • Agent Handled. The call was handled by a known agent.

  • Not Ended. The call has not yet concluded - the overall duration of all its events has not been received.
  • Unknown. The final state of the call is unknown. An unknown final state can occur if the call is still in progress.

Last Queue Result

The reason the call left a queue if the call continued. Values are:

  • Delivered
  • NoAgentsBreakout
  • QueueTimeBreakout
  • VoluntaryBreakout
  • HangUp

VersionVersion of the Advanced Reporting and Statistics package that created the summary record.

Virtual Queues

A comma-delimited list of the Virtual Queues or Agreements that the interaction matched.

For inbound interactions only.

Audio ProblemsA comma-delimited list of call quality ratings given to a call.

MOSThe Mean Opinion Score given to the call in the range 1.0 (Bad) to 5.0 (Excellent).


The record owner.

You can use Flags in the channel configuration to set the record owner to the last agent who handled the call.

Categorized AtTimestamp of the latest (re-)categorization by Conversation Analyzer.

CR Start ImmediateChecked if Call Recording Applet which first turns on Call Recording starts the recording without waiting for the two parties to be connected. Use workflow(on create and update) to set this flag for calls which don't defer CR start based on the VCC service

Call RecordingURL to playback call recording

Created ByStandard Salesforce field containing the user who created the record. Can be the user who switched on Advanced Reporting and Statistics.

Last Modified ByStandard Salesforce field containing the user who last updated the record. Can be the user who switched on Advanced Reporting and Statistics.

Number of Segments

Number of key events in this call. You can use this value as a measure of call complexity.

For example a call that goes to a menu applet, rings, and is connected to an agent would have 3 segments.

System Fields

Key Event StringDelimited encoded list of key interaction events (excludes all applets except those affecting call recording or voice messaging)

ChkStrDelimited encoded list of all interaction events

TraceReserved for system use with Conversation Analyzer

Interaction JSONFull JSON model of the interaction from the API

Record Type

The type of interaction. One of:

  • Case (for non-live interactions)
  • Inbound Call
  • Outbound Call
  • Internal Call

The following table includes fields only used if the Conversation Analyzer feature is available. For information about Advanced Reporting and Statistics in Conversation Analyzer, see Conversation Analyzer in Salesforce.

Call TranscriptionTranscription

Searchable transcript of the call.

CategoriesInformationComma-delimited list of categories matched by Conversation Analyzer, if enabled for your account.
ConfidenceCall and Agent RelatedLevel of confidence in the transcription.
Agent PercentCall and Agent RelatedPercentage of talk time when agent was talking
Crosstalk PercentCall and Agent RelatedPercentage of talk time when customer and agent were both talking at once
Customer  PercentCall and Agent RelatedPercentage of talk time when customer was talking
Silence PercentCall and Agent RelatedPercentage of talk time when nobody was talking
LanguageCall and Agent RelatedLanguage code used for the call, for example, en_us, en_gb.

Sentiment summary and scores from Conversation Analyzer, if sentiment analysis is enabled for your account

The field comprises:

  • Overall sentiment score rated 0-100
  • Percentage of conversation with very negative sentiment
  • Percentage of conversation with negative sentiment
  • Percentage of conversation with neutral sentiment
  • Percentage of conversation with positive sentiment
  • Percentage of conversation with very positive sentiment
  • Ten sentiment scores scaled from -1 to +1 sampled at regular intervals: <0–10%, <10%–20%, and so on until <90–100%.


Overall:+0.65, VeryNegative:5, Negative:25, Neutral:40, Positive:20, VeryPositive:10,

The sentiment scores are also presented in the embedded Conversation Analyzer within Vonage Call Summary records. For information, see Analyzing a call recording in Conversation Analyzer in Salesforce.

Support and documentation feedback

For general assistance, please contact Customer Support.

For help using this documentation, please send an email to docs_feedback@vonage.com. We're happy to hear from you. Your contribution helps everyone at Vonage! Please include the name of the page in your email.