_Images ContactWorld Softphone

  File Modified

PNG File SS_KeypadIcon.png

Jul 19, 2024 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_WebRTCProvidersDisconnected.png

Apr 22, 2024 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_WebRTCActiveTab.png

Apr 22, 2024 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_WebRTCInactiveTab.png

Apr 22, 2024 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_WebRTCProviders.png

Apr 22, 2024 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_AudioLevels.png

Jan 22, 2024 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_PopActiveContactPadMandatory.png

Jul 10, 2023 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_EnablingSoftphone.png

Jul 10, 2023 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_ConnectedContactPad2.png

Mar 29, 2023 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_ConnectedContactPad.png

Mar 29, 2023 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_ActiveContactPad.png

Mar 29, 2023 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_PopActiveContactPad.png

Mar 29, 2023 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_WebRTCActiveRingingState.png

Mar 29, 2023 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_WebRTCActiveConnectedState.png

Mar 29, 2023 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_WEbRTCExtSuccess.png

Apr 07, 2020 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_WebRTCExtHangup.png

Apr 07, 2020 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_WebRTCExtAccept.png

Apr 07, 2020 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_SoftphoneExpanded.PNG

Apr 07, 2020 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_SoftphoneConnected.png

Apr 07, 2020 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_SoftphoneOutbound.png

Apr 07, 2020 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_SoftphoneOutboundConnected.png

Apr 07, 2020 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_SoftphonePop.png

Apr 07, 2020 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_DisablingSoftphone.png

Sept 02, 2019 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_ConnectingToChromeExtension.png

May 28, 2019 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_ChromeWebStore.png

Feb 01, 2018 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_WebRTCExtMute.png

Aug 31, 2017 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_UseWebRTC.png

Oct 31, 2016 by Helen Griffith

PNG File SS_SoftphoneMute.png

Jun 16, 2016 by Helen Griffith

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