Creating a Remote Site for Vonage Contact Center in Salesforce

When you add or update the URL that Salesforce uses to communicate with ContactWorld, you must create or update the corresponding Remote Site and include this URL as the Remote Site's URL. To create or update a Remote Site, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Administration Setup Page in Salesforce.
  2. On the left-hand side of the Salesforce window, in the search box, type 'Remote Site Settings'. Remote Site Settings appears below the search box.
  3. Click Remote Site Settings. All Remote Sites appears.
  4. In the list of remote sites locate 'Vonage Contact Center' and click Edit alongside the setting. If this remote site does not exist, click New Remote Site. Remote Site Edit appears.
  5. For a new remote site, in the Remote Site Name field, type 'Vonage Contact Center'.
    For both new and existing sites, ensure that the value of Remote Site URL is the same as the ContactWorld URL in the custom settings, for example, Click Save.

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