Historical Analytics training materials

The following training videos will help you get started with Historical Analytics dashboards:

00 - Analytics overview [14:27]


  • Vision for Historical Analytics dashboards

  • Current product capabilities

  • Quick product overview [demo]

  • Licensing model

  • Current product limitations

  • Future development plan 

01 - Default dashboards 101 [24:32]


  • Detailed explanation of each default dashboard

  • Copying dashboards

  • Downloading report 

  • Scheduling delivery

02 - Data model — Agents [15:11]


  • Introduction to Agent Events data model

  • Detailed explanation

    • Dimensions

    • Filters

    • Measures 

03 - Data model — Interactions [24:04]


  • Introduction to Interaction Events data model

  • Detailed explanation

    • Dimensions

    • Filters

    • Measures 

04 - Custom dashboards [15:00] 


  • Creating custom dashboards

    • Creating text tiles

    • Creating visualization tiles based on specific examples

      • Explanation of filters, visualization, and data

    • Organizing tiles in dashboards

    • Adding dashboards filters

    • Configuring settings

      • Timezone

      • Filters visualization

  • Copying custom dashboards

Support and documentation feedback

For general assistance, please contact Customer Support.

For help using this documentation, please send an email to docs_feedback@vonage.com. We're happy to hear from you. Your contribution helps everyone at Vonage! Please include the name of the page in your email.