Get payment session status
The GET /v1/session/{sessionGuid}
 endpoint enables you to query a payment session status using the GUID returned when the session was created.
The payment session results are available for 15 minutes after the session completes.
Header parameters in Requests (Payment API) apply to this endpoint.
Authorization scopes supported:
Scope | Access granted |
| Entire endpoint |
The endpoint accepts the following path parameters:
Type | Required | Example |
String | True | c97f86c0-4586-4ba6-adc7-e0072f7f1601 |
This is the payment session GUID returned when the session was created.
Responses to the GET /v1/session/sessionGuid
 return information on the status of a payment session, such as date it was created on, last update date, payment gateway data, PCI payment session GUID, and so on. See below for details.
Successful response
Success response code and parameters apply to a successful response.
Example response
{ "lastUpdatedOn": "2018-02-23T09:27:37.561413Z", "callGuid": "a0dc3aca-92f7-4cac-9f12-208a2916be7d", "createdOn": "2018-02-23T09:28:22.781568Z", "sessionGuid": "e7d3588c-bb25-4808-98a6-5f3657dce467", "paymentResultData": { "decision": "ACCEPT", "Postcode": "50-348", "City": "Wroclaw", "Street1": "Hubska 52", "Email": "", "MerchantReferenceCode": "0123456789098760", "requestToken": "Ahj//wS...wwJ3", "reasonCode": "100", "Country": "GB", "Currency": "GBP", "blankVariable": "0123456789098760", "createSubscription": "false", "transactionType": "Capture", "clientApplicationUser": "pcipal", "Amount": "1240", "Surname": "Smith", "FirstName": "John", "requestID": "5193857291616388004008" }, "sessionState": "Finished", "providerSessionGuid": "7d1541fa-5747-429a-a6a0-1939f4d88028" }
Each response contains the following parameters:
 - last update time of the payment session entry (UTC)callGuid
 - contains the GUID of the call on the VCC system between the Customer and AgentcreatedOn
 - payment session creation time (UTC)sessionGuid
 - payment session GUIDpaymentResultData
 - a dictionary containing data returned from a payment gateway. The content will vary depending on the payment gateway used to process the payment and the data it returns. The data is only available when the session state isÂFinished
 - current state of the session:Initial
 - session created, PCI data collecting has not startedInProgress
 - session in progress, PCI data collection in progressFinished
 - session processing finishedError
 - error states
 - PCI payment provider session guid