Event types

Beta/Early Access Program

This API is in the Beta/Early Access Program and is still under development. If you are interested in using this API, please contact your Customer Success Manager or Account Manager. Participation in this pilot program is at the discretion of Product Management and not guaranteed.

Use of this API outside of the program is prohibited.

A number of different event types are available to subscribe to. Subscribing to an event type means that you receive webhook notifications when events of those types occur. 

Each event type has its own schema containing information about the event that has occurred.

New event types will be released over time. To see the currently available set of event types, use the Get event types API endpoint.

To receive webhooks you will need to create a subscription specifying the name of the event types you would like to receive, and the URL you would like to send them to.

Each event type contains the following properties:

  • name — The name of the event type. This typically consists of three parts — the entity performing the action, the action, and the version of the event type. The name of the event type can be used to create a new subscription.
  • description — A brief description of what the event type is and when it will be raised.
  • jsonSchema — The schema of the webhook event type. Each event type can have a different schema containing useful information about the event that occurred.
  • releaseStatus — Refers to the current state of an event type. Can be one of the following values:
    • Beta. The event type is part of the Early Access Program.
    • GeneralAvailability. The event type is ready for use.
    • Deprecated. The event type is outdated and shouldn't be used.

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