Overview of Data Retention

Overview of Data Retention

The Data Retention area of the Vonage Contact Center Admin Portal contains two sections:

  • Store interaction content. This section contains data retention settings that apply to the storage of interaction content. Users with an admin license can change these settings, defining the frequency with which such data is automatically deleted from their account. For information about Data Retention, see Service Description for Vonage Contact Center - Data Retention.
  • Export interaction content. This section enables permitted admin users to create external storage items, which correspond to storage areas in one of the integrated storage providers — currently either Amazon S3 or in Microsoft Azure. They can then schedule jobs (both recurring and one-time) that export interaction content to those areas.

In this page

Interaction content

The interaction content that can be stored and exported comprises:

  • Call recordings
  • Screen recordings

    Screen recording retention

    Screen recordings are deleted after 30 days — or sooner, if the contracted data retention period for your account is less than 30 days. Also, a screen recording is deleted if its related call recording is deleted.

  • Video recordings
  • Recordings of Visual Engagement meetings (if Visual Engagement is enabled for your account)

    Visual Engagement meeting recording retention

    Recordings of Visual Engagement meetings are deleted after 30 days — or sooner, if the data retention period for your account is less than 30 days.

  • Voicemails
  • Call transcripts
  • Chat transcripts
  • Categorization results
  • Attachments
  • Bot-captured audio recordings
  • Conversation summaries
  • Sentiment summaries
  • Interaction notes and disposition codes

IVR data retention

Data collected by the IVR Data Collector is stored for 35 days. After 35 days, the data is permanently deleted from your account.

You can find interaction content in the Interaction Content area of the VCC admin portal. For information about accessing Interaction Content, see Interaction Content.

Data retention

Data retention is the period that Vonage stores interaction content for an account. Your account’s contracted data retention period determines your maximum retention period. When Vonage has stored interaction content for the retention period, Vonage deletes it.

For information about your account's contracted retention period, contact your account manager.

Storing interaction content

On the Store interaction content tab, the admin user can change data retention settings. The user can override the contracted period up to its maximum value. They can also enable or pause deletion for a given account in specific situations, such as a legal obligation.

Automatic deletion states

  • On
    When automatic deletion is On, interaction content is being automatically deleted according to retention settings.
  • Pending
    An automatic deletion state of Pending indicates that retention settings have changed or automatic deletion has been turned on within the past 30 days. While automatic deletion is pending, the administrator can verify the retention settings and make further changes if required. If the administrator changes the settings, the 30 days is reset; automatic deletion will be in the Pending state for 30 days. Interaction content is not automatically deleted while automatic deletion is in Pending state.
  • Paused
    When automatic deletion is Paused, no interaction content is being automatically deleted. Automatic deletion is paused if Vonage changes the contracted data retention period for your account. An administrator can also manually pause automatic deletion. 

    Automatic deletion must not remain in paused for a prolonged period. You must contact your account manager if you want to change your contracted data retention period. After 30 days, Vonage reserves the right to turn on automatic deletion using the current contracted value.

Different information appears in Data Retention depending on whether automatic deletion is on, pending, or paused.

Automatic deletion on

When automatic deletion is turned on, the following information appears in the Data Retention area:

  • Storage location shows the location of all interaction content. Each region has two storage locations. To change your storage location, contact Vonage support. When your storage location changes, future interaction content is stored in the new location.
  • Automatic deletion is On indicating that interaction content is being automatically deleted according to retention settings.

  • Delete content after contains the number of days after which Vonage deletes interaction content. The minimum value is 1 day.

    • *Contracted data retention period displays the maximum number of days that Vonage will retain interaction content according to your Data Retention Service Description.

      Screen recordings

      Screen recordings are deleted after 30 days — or sooner, if the contracted data retention period for your account is less than 30 days. Also, a screen recording is deleted if its related call recording is deleted.

      Visual Engagement meeting recordings

      Recordings of Visual Engagement meetings are deleted after 30 days — or sooner, if the data retention period for your account is less than 30 days.

  • Last update displays the name of the user who last turned on the data retention settings for the account and the date and time they did so.

For information about turning on automatic deletion of interaction content, see Turning on automatic deletion in Changing data retention settings.

Automatic deletion pending

When an admin user logs in to an account with automatic deletion in pending state, a warning message appears on the VCC Admin Portal's home page. The message prompts the user to review data retention settings.

When automatic deletion is pending, the following information appears in the Data Retention area:

  • Storage location shows the location of all interaction content. Each region has two storage locations. To change your storage location, contact Vonage support. When your storage location changes, future interaction content is stored in the new location.
  • Automatic deletion is Pending, indicating that retention settings have been changed or automatic deletion has been turned on within 30 days.
    A warning message appears with the number of days after which automatic deletion will be turned on.
  • Delete content after contains the number of days after which Vonage will delete interaction content when automatic deletion is turned on. The minimum value is 1 day.
  • *Contracted data retention period displays the maximum number of days that Vonage will retain interaction content according to your Data Retention Service Description.
  • Last update displays the name of the user who last turned on the data retention settings for the account and the date and time they did so.

For information about changing data retention settings, see Changing data retention settings.

Automatic deletion paused

When an admin user logs in to an account with automatic deletion paused, a warning message appears on the VCC Admin Portal's home page. The message prompts the user to review data retention settings.

When automatic deletion is paused, the following information appears in the Data Retention area:

  • Storage location shows the location of all interaction content. Each region has two storage locations. To change your storage location, contact Vonage support. When your storage location changes, future interaction content is stored in the new location.
  • Automatic deletion is Paused, indicating that no interaction content is being automatically deleted.

  • Reason for pausing contains the reason provided by the user who paused deletion. When Automatic deletion is Paused, the field is read-only.

  • Delete content after contains the number of days after which Vonage automatically deletes interaction content. The minimum value is 1 day. When Automatic deletion is Paused, the field is read-only.

  • *Contracted data retention period displays the maximum number of days that Vonage will retain interaction content according to your Data Retention Service Description.

  • Last update displays the name of the user who last paused the data retention settings for the account and the date and time they did so.

For information about pausing automatic deletion for an account, see Pausing automatic deletion in Changing data retention settings.

Exporting interaction content

On the Export interaction content tab, an admin user can set up jobs that export interaction content to a chosen storage area.

To export interaction content, an admin user must create an external storage item that corresponds to an external storage area. The external storage area must be already set up in one of the integrated storage providers — currently either Amazon S3 or in Microsoft Azure. They can then schedule exports of chosen interaction content that was created within a given timeframe to a storage area. An export includes a content file and a JSON file with metadata that describes the content file.

Users can create two types of export jobs:

One-time export job. An export job that will transfer all of the data in a given timeframe in one process.
Recurring export job. An export job that will be repeated every hour, transferring new interaction content data created up to 12 hours before the time of current execution.

For information about exporting interaction content, see Exporting interaction content.

Support and documentation feedback

For general assistance, please contact Customer Support.

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