Updating a Salesforce record

Updating a Salesforce record

When using a Data Connector applet with a Salesforce interface, the applet is sometimes referred to as a Salesforce Data Connector or SFDC.

If enabled for your account, you can use a Data Connector applet to update a Salesforce record. The Data Connector updates the record when Vonage Contact Center routes an interaction through the applet. For information about the Data Connector applet, see Data Connector applet.

You can also use the Data Connector applet to create a new Salesforce record. For information about using the Data Connector applet to create a Salesforce record, see Creating a Salesforce record.

To configure a Data Connector applet to update a Salesforce record, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a Data Connector applet. For information about creating an applet, see Creating an applet. A new Data Connector applet appears.
  2. In Interface in the Interface section, click Salesforce. The Action section appears.

  3. Optionally select the applet that Vonage Contact Center routes the call to if the interface fails in the Interface Failure list.

    An interface failure occurs when the request does not receive a response or receives an error from Salesforce. A timeout, DNS lookup failure, incorrect or expired password, HTTP error status code, or an invalid SOQL query, for example, might cause an interface failure.
  4. In the Action list, click Update Salesforce Record. The Update Salesforce Record section appears.

  5. Provide the following information in the fields in the Update Salesforce Record section:


    ObjectThe Object list contains the available Salesforce objects. Click the object you want to update. The Object ID Field and Add Field list appears.

    Object ID Field

    All Salesforce records have a unique ID. Vonage Contact Center uses the value that you specify in this section to locate the Salesforce record to update.

    Field NameSalesforce records store their unique IDs in a field. Field Name is the name of the ID field for the selected Salesforce object. Use the next two fields to identify the source of the data for this field.

    Source TypeThe type of source that the data you want to use is contained in. Click either IVR Slot or Data Source. The Source list is populated with sources of the selected type.

    SourceThe source of the data. Click the source that contains the data for the field.

    Add Field

    The Add Field list contains the fields available on the selected object. Click the field you want to populate. The Fields to Populate section appears. Use Add Field to add and populate as many fields on the selected Salesforce object as you want.

    You must populate fields that are required by the Salesforce object.

    Fields to Populate

    Field NameContains the selected field. Use the next two fields to identify the source of the data for this field.

    Source TypeThe type of source that the data you want to use is contained in. Click either IVR Slot or Data Source. The Source list is populated with sources of the selected type.

    SourceThe source of the data. Click the source that contains the data for the field.

    Click Remove to remove any fields you no longer want to update.

  6. In the Successful Action list, click the applet that Vonage Contact Center routes the call to next.
  7. To save your changes, click Update.

    When you click update, Vonage Contact Center validates the information you have provided in the Update Salesforce Record section. You must add at least one field to update. Correct any errors before clicking Update again.

You can also use a Data Connector applet to retrieve data from Salesforce. For information about retrieving data from Salesforce using a Data Connector applet, see Retrieving data from Salesforce.

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