Users summary
The User summary dashboard presents data about existing users within the VCC account. The dashboards displays data about active and archived users, users whose accounts are locked due to too many incorrect login attempts, and detailed about active agent users.
At the top of the dashboard, you can set global filters for this dashboard:
- User—the users (identified by name) that you want to analyze data for. You can choose different rules to narrow down the group of users in the dashboard. By default, User filter contains all users.
- License—the license assigned to the users that you want to analyze data for. Choose from different licenses—Admin, Supervisor, Wallboard, Agent. By default, License filter contains all licenses.
Number of active users and Number of archived users tiles
The Number of active users and Number of archived users tiles display information about users who are configured in the VCC admin portal respectfully as active and archived.
Active users by license tile
The Active users by license tile displays the percentage breakdown of licenses assigned to the active users—Admin, Supervisor, Wallboard, or Agent.
Active users details tile
The Active users details tile displays information about the users who are currently configured in the VCC admin portal as active.
- User—the name of the user as defined in the VCC admin portal during user creation.
- Username—the user's username as defined in the VCC admin portal during user creation.
- Email—the user's email address as defined in the VCC admin portal.
- License—the license assigned to the user in User Admin—one of Admin, Supervisor, Wallboard, or Agent.
- Last login time—the time when the user most recently logged in to the VCC platform in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.
- Days since last login—the number of days since the user most recently logged in.
Archived users details tile
The Archived users details tile displays information about the users who are currently configured in the VCC admin portal as active.
- User—the name of the user as defined in the VCC admin portal during user creation.
- Username—the user's username as defined in the VCC admin portal during user creation.
- Email—the user's email address as defined in the VCC admin portal.
- License—the license assigned to the user in User Admin—one of Admin, Supervisor, Wallboard, or Agent.
- Last login time—the time when the user most recently logged in to the VCC platform in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.
- Days since last login—the number of days since the user most recently logged in.
Locked active users details tile
The Locked active users details tile displays information about the users whose accounts are locked due to too many incorrect login attempts (more than 5).
- User—the name of the user as defined in the VCC admin portal during user creation.
- Username—the user's username as defined in the VCC admin portal during user creation.
- Email—the user's email address as defined in the VCC admin portal.
- License—the license assigned to the user in User Admin—one of Admin, Supervisor, Wallboard, or Agent.
- Last login time—the time when the user most recently logged in to the VCC platform in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.
- Days since last login—the number of days since the user most recently logged in.
Active agents details tile
The Active agents details tile displays information about the users who are currently configured in the VCC admin portal as active and have Agent license assigned.
- Agent—the name of the agent as defined in the VCC admin portal during agent creation.
- Agent ID—the unique identifier for the agent. This is the ID of the agent as defined in the VCC admin portal during agent creation.
- Username—the user's username as defined in the VCC admin portal during user creation.
- Email—the user's email address as defined in the VCC admin portal.
- Phone number—the agent's phone number as defined in the VCC admin portal during agent creation.
- Physical location—the agent's physical location as defined in the VCC admin portal during agent creation. Location is presented as a two-letter country code.
- WebRTC enabled—indicates whether WebRTC is enabled for the agent—either 'Yes' or 'No'.
- Last login time—the time when the user most recently logged in to the VCC platform in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.
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