Requests (Agent Availability API)
Request parameters
Path parameters
Currently the Agent Availability API does not specify or require any path parameters.
Query string parameters
In most API endpoints you can use query string parameters to specify options that limit the data included in responses.
Some query string parameters are required; others are optional.
For example, in the GET /agents-availability
 endpoint, you must add the skillNames
Header parameters
Agent Availability API requests require the following header parameters:
Required The accept
 header describes the content types that the response can return. The content-type of the Agent Availability API’s responses is always in JSON format so you must set the accept header to accept JSON. You must also specify the version of the API you are using. For information about specifying the version, see Versioning.
Example application/vnd.newvoicemedia.v1+json
Required To make a request to the Agent Availability API, you must provide your bearer access token in the authorization header.
You get your bearer access token using your client credentials. For information about getting and using your bearer access token, see Authentication for Vonage Contact Center APIs (using the new API gateway).
Request body parameters
Currently the Agent Availability API has only one endpoint. This endpoint has only one GET method and therefore does not accept body parameters.