Resources (Interaction Content Export API)

Beta/Early Access Program

This API is in the Beta/Early Access Program and is still under development. If you are interested in using this API, please contact your Customer Success Manager or Account Manager. Participation in this pilot program is at the discretion of Product Management and not guaranteed.

Use of this API outside of the program is prohibited.

Currently the Interaction Content Export API has the following resources:

  • External storage
    External storage represents a handle to a customer’s storage. A single external storage item contains information about the storage provider and credentials used to authenticate with the provider while exporting interaction content.

  • Job
    A job is a scheduled export of interaction content within a given timeframe to a customer’s storage. An export includes a content file and a JSON file with metadata that describes the content file. The expected format of a file for interaction content can be found here Resources (Interaction Content API).
    Jobs can be divided into two categories:

    • One-time job. A job that upon executing will transfer all of the data in a given timeframe in one process.

    • Recurring job. A job that will be repeated every hour, transferring the interaction content data created later than 12 hours from the point of current execution.