Responses (Interaction Content Export API)

Beta/Early Access Program

This API is in the Beta/Early Access Program and is still under development. If you are interested in using this API, please contact your Customer Success Manager or Account Manager. Participation in this pilot program is at the discretion of Product Management and not guaranteed.

Use of this API outside of the program is prohibited.

All requests to the Interaction Content Export API endpoints return standard HTTP headers, including the response status code, and a response body in JSON format.

Success response code and parameters

Successful requests return a 200 OK code with a JSON object in the response body or a 204 No Content code with an empty response body. For specific details on the payload of each endpoint response, see API reference (Interaction Content Export API).


Responses from endpoints that return multiple resources contain paging section that includes information about paging:

  • page is the number of the current page of results
  • count is the total number of pages available
  • pageCount is the number of resources returned in the current page
  • totalCount is the total number of resources available

Response codes and errors

Error code 400 Bad Request

The Interaction Content Export API returns 400 Bad Request in response to an invalid request.

Missing API version

If you do not provide the required API version in the accept header, you will receive the following message in addition to the 400 error code:

  "message": "Invalid api-version! Valid values: 'application/vnd.newvoicemedia.v1+json'"

Invalid API version

If you provide an invalid API version in the accept header, you will receive the following message in addition to the 400 error code:

  "message": "Invalid api-version! Valid values: 'application/vnd.newvoicemedia.v1+json'"

GUID incorrect length

If you provide one or more GUIDs of incorrect length (more than or fewer than 36 characters), you will receive the following error message:

  "message": "GUID must be 36 characters in length"

Invalid GUID

  "message": "GUID '111414121313' is not a valid UUID string"

External storage verification failed

After using the POST /interactions/external-storage endpoint to create a storage item, the API uploads a zero-byte file to verify that the storage item was created successfully and is ready for use. If the upload fails, you will receive the following message:

  "message": "External storage validation failed. Please verify storage configuration settings."

Error code 401 Unauthorized

The Interaction Content Export API returns 401 Unauthorized in response to an invalid, expired or missing bearer access token.

Error code 403 Forbidden

The Interaction Content Export API returns 403 Forbidden in response to a request that is not authorized. This error is generally caused by a token that is missing one or more required scopes. Can be also caused by insufficient permissions or user role.

Error code 404 Not Found

The Interaction Content Export API returns 404 Not Found in response to a request for an item that was not found. You may have requested an interaction that doesn’t exist.

Invalid GUID

Invalid GUIDs may result in a 404 Not Found, depending on the endpoint used.

An invalid GUID may otherwise result in a 500 Internal Server Error or will simply be skipped.

Error code 409 Conflict

External storage delete failed due to conflict

After using the DELETE /interactions/external-storage/{id} endpoint to delete a storage item, the API performs check if there are any jobs that have status other than Cancelled or Completed. If the check fails, you will receive the following message:

  "message": "Can't delete external storage, it's referenced by unfinished job(s). To delete storage, jobs referencing it must be in (Completed, Cancelled) status."

Error code 500 Internal Server Error

An internal server error occurred.

Invalid GUID

Invalid GUIDs may result in a 500 Internal Server Error, depending on the endpoint used.

An invalid GUID may otherwise result in a 404 Not Found or will simply be skipped.