Title: | Using ContactPad | |
Owner: | Helen Griffith | |
Creator: | Helen Griffith | Jul 09, 2014 |
Last Changed by: | Helen Griffith | Apr 06, 2020 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://docs-vcc.atlassian.net/wiki/x/-AElAw | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Children (23)
Accessing the call GUID in ContactPad
Changing states in ContactPad
Changing your telephone number in ContactPad
Declining calls in your personal queue
Getting started with ContactPad
Handling priority calls in ContactPad
Logging an interaction in ContactPad
Logging in to ContactPad
Logging in to ContactPad using single sign-on
Logging out of ContactPad
Accessing the call GUID in ContactPad
Changing states in ContactPad
Changing your telephone number in ContactPad
Declining calls in your personal queue
Getting started with ContactPad
Handling priority calls in ContactPad
Logging an interaction in ContactPad
Logging in to ContactPad
Logging in to ContactPad using single sign-on
Logging out of ContactPad
Global Labels (2)