Resources (Insights Stats API)

There are currently seven different resources:

  • Agent Activities. These represent activities undertaken by an agent (interaction state changes, presence state changes and workload changes) for a specified period of time. An Agent Activity contains information such as the agentId (the ID of the agent whose state is presented), and the duration (the time for which the agent was in the specified state), type (Presence, Interaction or Workload), category (Ready or LoggedOut, for example) and name (Busy Inbound or Break, for example) of the state. For more information about Agent Activities, see Agent Activities.
  • Agent Status. Agent Status represents an agent’s current status. An Agent Status contains similar information as an Agent Activity but that information includes only the agent’s current status. For more information about Agent Statuses, see Agent Status.
  • Interactions. Interactions represent calls, emails, cases, and so on, made and received by Vonage Contact Center agents. An Interaction contains information including its guid (unique identifier), type (call or email, for example) and direction (inbound or outbound). You can currently request a single interaction, a subset of interactions, or all interactions. For more information about interactions, see Interactions (Insights Stats API).
  • Queue Times. Queue Times represent interactions in queues. A Queue Time contains information about when an interaction entered a queue, how long the interaction spent in the queue and what happened to the interaction next. For more information about queue times, see Queue Times.
  • WFM Agent States. WFM Agent States represent the activities undertaken by an agent for a specified period of time. Responses are in a format that is optimized for Workforce Management (WFM) integrations. WFM Agent States combine presence and workload information into a single sequence of state changes for each agent. WFM Agent States are similar to the simplified status displayed in the ContactPad. For more information about WFM Agent States, see Workforce Management (WFM).
  • WFM Queue Activity items. WFM Queue Activity items represent interactions that are in a queue or have left a queue. They include agent handle time metrics for use in Workforce Management (WFM) integrations. For more information about WFM Queue Activity items, see Workforce Management (WFM).
  • WFM Queue Metrics. WFM Queue Metrics represent interactions that have left a queue. They include agent handle time metrics for use in Workforce Management (WFM) integrations. For more information about WFM Queue Metrics, see Workforce Management (WFM).