Monitoring agreements

Real Time (legacy) is deprecated

Real Time (legacy) is now deprecated.

  • To create and manage agents and groups, use User Admin the VCC Admin Portal.
  • To monitor the performance of your Vonage Contact Center account, use Real-time Analytics, Historical Analytics, and Team Monitoring.
  • To monitor agents' interactions, log agents in to VCC, and change agents' states, use Team Monitoring.

For more information, see User Admin, Real-time AnalyticsHistorical Analytics, and Team Monitoring.

How do I monitor an agreement?

An agreement in Real Time displays the current service level compared with the service level agreement (SLA) for a virtual queue. The current service level equates to the percentage of calls—received in the last 8 hours—that were answered within the target time. For information about virtual queues, service levels, and SLAs, see Virtual Queues. 

You can see the following information about an agreement that you have added to the Real Time desktop. For information on adding agreements to the desktop, see Organizing the Real Time desktop.

The agreement shows the current and target service levels, the number of interactions answered on time, and the total number of interactions that the SLA applied to.

In the French Service agreement, 80% (8 out of 10) of interactions were answered within the target of 60 seconds compared to a target of 85%.
In the French Sales agreement, 57.1% (four out of seven) interactions were answered within the target of 90 seconds compared to a target of 80%.
Both agreements missed their SLA.

Monitoring agreements

Real Time presents agreement data for calls received within the last 8 hours. Calls received more than 8 hours ago are no longer included in agreements.

Support and documentation feedback

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