

The buttons that appear depends on the features that are enabled for your account. The following table includes all the buttons that can appear in the top section of ContactPad, below their state.

NameIconDescriptionMore information


Puts agent into Ready state.

Button is inactive when the agent is already in Ready state.

Button is active when agent is in a state that they can set their status to Ready from, such as Away, Extended Away, Ready (Offline).

Agent states in ContactPad

Changing states in ContactPad

Making and receiving calls in ContactPad



Make Call

Initiates an outbound call.

Button is inactive when the agent is handling an interaction, they are wrapping up their previous interaction, or — if disposition codes are enforced — the agent has not yet provided a disposition code.

Button is active when agent is not handling interactions and is in a state they can make a call from, for example, Ready, Ready (Offline), Away, 

Getting started with ContactPad

Making and receiving calls in ContactPad




Initiates a consult.

Button is inactive if the agent is not handling an interaction that they can consult on.

Button is active when agent is handling an interaction that they can consult on.

Making and receiving calls in ContactPad

Warm and cold transfers in ContactPad



Recording: Resume

Resumes recording.

Button is inactive if the agent is not handling an interaction or recording is not in progress.

Button is active if recording is in progress.

Call recording

Pausing and resuming call recording in ContactPad



Recording: Pause

Pauses recording.

Call recording

Pausing and resuming call recording in ContactPad



Button is inactive when the agent has no messages available to leave.


Leaves a message on a customer's voicemail or answering machine.

Voicemail drop in ContactPad (single)

Using voicemail drop in ContactPad (multiple)

Voicemail plus Select Message

Leaves a message on a customer's voicemail or answering machine with the option to select a message other than the default.

Voicemail drop in ContactPad (multiple)

Using voicemail drop in ContactPad (multiple)

Video call

Initiates a video call.

Video and screen sharing (Visual Engagement)

Using video and sharing your screen

Video call in progress

Stops a video call.


Transfers call to a consulted number.

Warm and cold transfers in ContactPad

Making and receiving calls in ContactPad

Support and documentation feedback

For general assistance, please contact Customer Support.

For help using this documentation, please send an email to docs_feedback@vonage.com. We're happy to hear from you. Your contribution helps everyone at Vonage! Please include the name of the page in your email.