
Display formats for phone numbers

Where applicable, how phone numbers are displayed in VCC depends on the value of Number display format.

National format

Phone numbers appear in national format if the number belongs to the user's country as defined in Location. Numbers from other countries appear in the international format.

For example, phone number 01234567890 belongs to the United Kingdom. If the user's Location is set to United Kingdom, the number will be displayed as 01234567890. If Location is set to any other value, the number will be displayed as +441234567890. Phone numbers from any other country appear in international format.

International format

All phone numbers are displayed in international format.

Phone numbers in international format include:

  • a + sign to indicate that the number is international
  • a country code, such as 44
  • a region code, such as 1234
  • an extension number, such as 567890

Phone numbers in international format work internationally.

For example, phone number 01234567890 belongs to the United Kingdom. The number will appear as +441234567890 regardless of the value of Location for the user.

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