Queue thresholds

Real Time (legacy) is deprecated

Real Time (legacy) is now deprecated.

  • To create and manage agents and groups, use User Admin the VCC Admin Portal.
  • To monitor the performance of your Vonage Contact Center account, use Real-time Analytics, Historical Analytics, and Team Monitoring.
  • To monitor agents' interactions, log agents in to VCC, and change agents' states, use Team Monitoring.

For more information, see User Admin, Real-time AnalyticsHistorical Analytics, and Team Monitoring.

You can set thresholds for the following types of queue data:

  • current queueing. The number of calls currently in the queue. If more than the threshold number of calls are in the queue, you might need to add more agents, or groups of agents, to service the queue.

  • offered. The number of calls routed to the queue. If the threshold number of offered calls is exceeded, you might want to consider creating a new queue to handle a subset of the calls.
  • answered. The number or percentage of offered calls that are answered. If the threshold number or percentage of answered calls is not achieved, you might need to add more agents, or groups of agents, to service the queue.
  • abandoned. The percentage or number of offered calls that are abandoned by the caller before being connected to an agent. If the threshold percentage or number is exceeded, you might need to check that calls are being answered quickly enough or that the caller is being given suitable information while in the queue.
  • breakout. The percentage of calls that leave the queue because the caller pressed a breakout key.
  • max duration. The percentage of calls that overflow to another queue because the call is in the queue for too long.
  • max size. The percentage of calls that overflow to another queue because the queue is full.
  • no agents. The percentage of calls that overflow to another queue because no agents are servicing the queue.
  • handle time. The duration of all agent work time associated with a given call or interaction. The handle time includes all connected time and wrap time associated with the interaction for all agents involved in the interaction. If the threshold handle time is exceeded, you might need to work on strategies to help agents to deal with calls more quickly.
  • total time. The total length of time that a call is in a queue, including the time that the caller waits to be connected to an agent, and the actual handle time.
  • available agents. The percentage of logged in agents who are available.
  • service level and target answer time. These two thresholds work together—the service levels is the percentage of calls that are answered within the target answer time.

The following table contains a description of all the threshold values you can set. For information on setting queue thresholds, see Editing queue thresholds.

count (amber)count (red)min(s)
current queueingThe number of calls in the queue. If more than the specified number of calls are in the queue, the data is colored amber. Default value is 10.The number of calls in the queue. If more than the specified number of calls are in the queue, the data is colored red. Default value is 20.n/an/aDefault value is 30.Default value is 60.Default value is 90.Default value is 120.
offeredThe number of calls that are delivered to a queue. If more than the specified number of calls are delivered to the queue, the data is colored amber. Default value is 100.The number of calls that are delivered to a queue. If more than the specified number of calls are delivered to the queue, the data is colored amber. Default value is 200.n/an/an/an/an/an/a
answeredThe minimum percentage of calls that must be answered. If fewer than the threshold percentage of calls are answered, the historical data is colored amber. Default value is 40%.The minimum percentage of calls that must be answered. If fewer than the threshold percentage of calls are answered, the historical data is colored red. Default value is 20%.Default value is 10.Default value is 20.Default value is 30.Default value is 60.Default value is 90.Default value is 120.
abandonedThe maximum percentage of calls that can be abandoned. If more than the threshold percentage of calls are abandoned, the historical data is colored amber. Default value is 10%.The maximum percentage of calls that can be abandoned. If more than the threshold percentage of calls are abandoned, the historical data is colored amber. Default value is 20%.Default value is 10.Default value is 20.Default value is 30.Default value is 60.Default value is 90.Default value is 120.
breakoutThe maximum percentage of calls that can leave the queue because the caller presses a breakout key. If the threshold is exceeded, the data is colored amber. Default value is 10%.The maximum percentage of calls that can leave the queue because the caller presses a breakout key. If the threshold is exceeded, the data is colored amber. Default value is 20%.n/an/an/an/an/an/a
max durationDefault value is 10%.Default value is 20%.n/an/an/an/an/an/a
max sizeDefault value is 10%.Default value is 20%.n/an/an/an/an/an/a
no agentsDefault value is 10%.Default value is 20%.n/an/an/an/an/an/a
handle timen/an/aThe maximum handle time in seconds. If the handle time for the shortest call is longer than the specified number of seconds, the data is colored amber. Default value is 30.The maximum handle time in seconds. If the handle time for the shortest call is longer than the specified number of seconds, the data is colored red.  Default value is 40.The maximum handle time in seconds. If the handle time for the average call is longer than the specified number of seconds, the data is colored amber. Default value is 30.The maximum handle time in seconds. If the handle time for the average call is longer than the specified number of seconds, the data is colored red. Default value is 60.The maximum handle time in seconds. If the handle time for the longest call is longer than the specified number of seconds, the data is colored amber. Default value is 90.The maximum handle time in seconds. If the handle time for the longest call is longer than the specified number of seconds, the data is colored red. Default value is 120.
total timen/an/aThe maximum total call time in seconds. If the total time of the shortest call is longer than the specified number of seconds, the data is colored amber. Default value is 30.The maximum total call time in seconds. If the total time of the shortest call is longer than the specified number of seconds, the data is colored red. Default value is 50.The maximum total call time in seconds. If the total time of the average call is longer than the specified number of seconds, the data is colored amber. Default value is 50.The maximum total call time in seconds. If the total time of the average call is longer than the specified number of seconds, the data is colored red. Default value is 80.The maximum total call time in seconds. If the total time of the longest call is longer than the specified number of seconds, the data is colored amber. Default value is 110.The maximum total call time in seconds. If the total time of the longest call is longer than the specified number of seconds, the data is colored red. Default value is 140.
available agentsThe percentage of logged in agents who are in Ready state. If fewer than the threshold percentage of agents are in Ready state, the data is colored amber. Default value is 50%.The percentage of logged in agents who are in Ready state. If fewer than the threshold percentage of agents are in Ready state, the data is colored red. Default value is 25%.n/an/an/an/an/an/a
service levelThe minimum service level. If the actual service level is less than the specified value, the data is colored amber. Service levels work with target answer time. Default value is 85% of calls are answered within the target answer time.The minimum service level. If the actual service level is less than the specified value, the data is colored red. Default value is 50% of calls are answered within the target answer time.n/an/an/an/an/an/a
target answer time

The target time to answer the call. If the time taken to answer the call exceeds the specified value, the data is amber. Default value is 15. See service level.

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