E.164 format
E.164 defines a format for international telephone numbers. Numbers are usually prefixed with the plus sign (+), include the international country calling code and are limited to a maximum of 15 digits. Phone numbers include: Country UK 02072068888 +442072068888 Australia 0285993444 +61285993444 US 6463624888 +16463624888 Belgium 027933835 +3227933835 Ireland 015530073 +35315530073 Finland 0974790184 +358974790184 Norway 21953282 +4721953282 France 0170377180 +33170377180 Austria 01253010376 +431253010376 Netherlands 0207085097 +31207085097 Sweden 0850513830 +46850513830 Luxembourg 27860726 +35227860726 Denmark 32729282 +4532729282 Poland 221288260 +48221288260Example telephone numbers in national and E.164 format
National format International format
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