Agent state definitions

Agent state definitions

Major stateMinor state


As appears in ContactPadDescription

Automatic or manual

(if manual, agents can select state themselves in ContactPad)


LoggedOut -16Log OutAgent is logged out of ContactPad. If the agent is logged out, the agent cannot see the state in ContactPad as the login screen appears. When logged in to ContactPad, the agent can click Log Out in the list of states in ContactPad to log out.Manual

Wrapup 0Wrap Up (Auto)When an agent or caller ends an interaction, Vonage Contact Center automatically changes the agent's state to Wrapup. While in Wrapup state, agent cannot receive any inbound interactions and can use this time to complete any activities related to the interaction.Automatic

WrapupTransferred 1Call TransferedWhen an agent transfers an interaction to another agent, Vonage Contact Center automatically changes the agent's state to Wrapup. While in Wrapup state, agent cannot receive any inbound interactions and can use this time to complete any activities related to the interaction.Automatic

Ready 16Ready

Agent is ready and available to handle interactions.

Vonage Contact Center sets state automatically after when automatic wrapup times out.


BusyIncoming 32Busy InboundAgent is busy on an inbound interaction.Automatic

BusyOutgoing 33Busy OutboundAgent is busy on an outbound interaction.Automatic

BusyTransferIn 36Transfer InAgent is busy on an interaction transferred to them by another agent.Automatic

BusyInternal 37Busy InternalAgent is consulting with a second agent.Automatic

BusyCallback 41Busy CallbackAgent is making a queued callback.Automatic

Away 48AwayAgent is away from their phone and is unavailable for interactions.Manual

AwayBreak 49BreakAgent is away from their phone for a break and is unavailable for interactions.Manual

AwayComfortBreak 50Comfort BreakAgent is away from their phone for a comfort break and is unavailable for interactions.Manual

XAway 64Extended AwayAgent is away from their phone for an extended duration and is unavailable for interactions.Manual

XAwayLunch 66LunchAgent is away from their phone for lunch and is unavailable for interactions.Manual

XAwayMeeting 68In MeetingAgent is away from their phone for a meeting and is unavailable for interactions.Manual

XAwayPaperwork 65PaperworkAgent is away from their phone to do paperwork and is unavailable for interactions.Manual

XAwayTeamMeeting 69Team MeetingAgent is away from their phone for a team meeting and is unavailable for interactions.Manual

XAwayTraining 67TrainingAgent is away from their phone for training and is unavailable for interactions.Manual

ReadyForOutbound 128

Ready (Outbound)

Agent has clicked Make Call in ContactPad and is ready to make an outbound call.

Ready (Outbound) signifies that the agent is available solely for making outbound calls.


ReadyOffline128Ready (Offline)

Agent has clicked Make Call in ContactPad and is ready to make an outbound call.

Ready (Offline) indicates that the agent is available to make outbound calls or participate in consults, but is not currently available to handle inbound interactions.


UnexpectedLineBusy144Line busyAgent's phone line was busy.Automatic

UnexpectedNoAnswer145No AnswerAgent did not answer inbound call.Automatic

UnexpectedProhibitedEmergency149Prohibited EmergencyAgent dialed an emergency number listed in the System Settings configuration.Automatic

FaultLine 160Fault On LineThere was a fault on the agent's line.Automatic

FaultCongestion 161Network CongestionThe agent's line was congested.Automatic
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