Creating and editing subscriptions

Creating and editing subscriptions

In Webhooks, you can create, edit, and delete subscriptions.

Webhook subscription changes, including creating, editing or deleting a subscription, may take up to 30 seconds to take effect.

In this page

Creating a subscription

Create a subscription to receive notifications about events in real time. For information about the types of events you can subscribe to, see Event types in Webhooks.

To create a new subscription, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Webhooks area of the Vonage Contact Center admin portal, click Create subscription. Create subscription appears.
  2. In Name, type a name for your subscription. Your name must be between 3 and 128 characters long and must be unique within your account.
  3. In URL, type the URL you want notifications about subscribed events to be sent to. Your URL must be valid and start with https://.
  4. By default, the Status of your new subscription will be On and notifications will be sent to the URL once you complete your configuration and any events matching your subscription are raised in your VCC account. To stop notifications being sent, turn Status off.
  5. By default, Vonage will automatically generate a signing key for your new subscription. If you want to configure and manage your own signing key, enter a Base64-encoded value in Signing key.

    Signed webhooks

    Signed webhooks are used to verify that notifications received are genuine and come from Vonage. They include a signature with a notification that proves the data has come from Vonage and hasn't been interfered with. The signing key is used to generate and verify the signature in a webhook notification. For further information on signing keys see Verifying and responding to a signed webhook notification.

    If you choose to use the auto-generated signing key, you can copy and save the signing key when you save your new subscription.

  6. Finally, select the events you want to subscribe to.
    Available event types are shown in a table, sorted alphabetically by
    Source and Event name, with a Version number and a brief Description.

    SourceIdentifies the context in which an event happened, such as an agent or channel.
    EventA user action, system update, or any other occurrence in the source system or application. An event of a subscribed event type will trigger a webhook notification to be sent from the sender to the URL.
    TagAdditional information about the event, such as Beta and Deprecated. By default, deprecated versions are hidden. Turn on Show older versions of event types to see deprecated events.
    VersionA number indicating the version of the event.

    Optionally, search the events by event name, version number, or description, or filter by source. For information about available event types, see Event types in Webhooks.

  7. When you have finished, click Save subscription to save your subscription.
    If you didn't provide your own signing key, you will be prompted to copy the auto-generated key. Click Copy the key and save it locally. You can use it to verify that any notifications you receive come from this subscription.
    Save signing key

Editing a subscription

Edit a subscription to change its name, the URL you want notifications sent to, the signing key, or the events you want to subscribe to, or turn the subscription off or on.

To edit a subscription, click to open it from either the table or tile view in Webhooks. Make your required changes as described in Creating a subscription earlier in this page.

Deleting a subscription

To delete a subscription, click the delete icon from either the table or tile view in Webhooks. You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the subscription.

Support and documentation feedback

For general assistance, please contact Customer Support.

For help using this documentation, please send an email to docs_feedback@vonage.com. We're happy to hear from you. Your contribution helps everyone at Vonage! Please include the name of the page in your email.