Migrated interaction plans in Interaction Plans Manager

Migrated interaction plans in Interaction Plans Manager

If you previously configured interaction plans along with their destinations in Interaction Plans Architect, some of the data from your interaction plans will have been migrated into Interaction Plan Manager. Migration removes destinations from their interaction plans and stores them as separate destination and interaction plan entities. Default mappings are created to reconnect destinations and interaction plans. One interaction plan in Interaction Plans Architect results in one interaction plan, one destination, and one mapping in Interaction Plans Manager.

Default mappings

Mappings created from migrated interaction plans (known as default mappings) are not visible in Interaction Plans Manager.

Destinations that are associated with a default mapping do not appear to be mapped other than in the list of available destinations when creating or editing a mapping. When creating or editing a mapping, destinations that are mapped by default to the interaction plan it was migrated from are indicated by an icon containing a tilde: .

Interaction plans that are associated with a default mapping have a status of Mapped.

Use the following information to identify your migrated interaction plans and destinations. You can still find your interaction plans in Interaction Plans Architect, however, addresses and service names no longer appear.






Line or named route
For example, “0123456789” or “NamedRouteForSalesEmails”


A line in Interaction Plans Architect sets Type to “PTSN”.
A named route in Interaction Plans Architect sets Type to “API”


Service name
For example, “Primary call plan“

Service name for reports

"Reporting group"

Interaction plan

Reporting group

Service name
For example, “Primary call plan“


Line | named route + " - " + service name
For example, “0123456789 - Primary call plan”


Default mappings created from migrated interaction plans do not appear in Interaction Plans Manager.

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