Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The following table contains all the actions that VCC tracks, and examples of related data that appears.

a user. For information about adding a linked account, see Creating new

ManagerUserName ManageeUserName

For example:
HelenG PhilL


Id: AgentID , Name: AgentName

For example:
Id: 378945 , Name Access Creating a new userCreateProfile new profile in the Stats and Reports module a profile Creating a profile.Appears when Vonage Username

For example:

user saves a new agent whose license exceeds the license limit. The user clicks to accept the additional charge for creating this user. For information, see Configuring licenses.Login VBC using their VBC login credentials For using VBC see  Vonage Contact Center Admin Portal using single sign-on or Logging in to ContactPad using single sign-on.Logout out from  or For information, see Logging out of ContactPad.Appears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor logs an agent out of in Real Time. For information, see Changing an agent's state.MST to VCC Default Presence Mappings Restored resets Microsoft Teams and VCC presence mappings your Vonage Contact Center and Microsoft Teams integration.National Settings the account's location settings see Editing Configuration (Account Settings).Country: CountryNumber National: NationalOrInternationalCountry: 227 National: International
ActionDescriptionRelated data

Access call recording

(previously Accessed call recording)

Appears when a VCC admin, or a permitted supervisor or agent accesses a call recording. For information about accessing call recordings, see Listening to, viewing, and commenting on interaction content.Interaction GUID: 'InteractionGUID', Content key: 'callRecording'

For example: Interaction GUID: '0173fbe1-73de-c757-e848-85bf6304d0ec', Content key: 'callRecording'

Access categorization resultAppears when a VCC admin, or a permitted supervisor or agent accesses a call recording's categorization data. For information about accessing categorization data, see Analyzing a call recording.

Interaction GUID: 'InteractionGUID', Content key: 'categorizationResult'

For example: Interaction GUID: '0173fbe1-73de-c757-e848-85bf6304d0ec', Content key: 'categorizationResult'

Access chat transcriptAppears when a VCC admin, or a permitted supervisor or agent accesses a chat transcript in the call recording player.

Interaction GUID: 'InteractionGUID', Content key: 'ContentID'

For example:
Interaction GUID: 'dfc7cae6-11ac-4e5d-be73-30c51269f011', Content key: 'ec206870-c8ce-4ddc-a629-0718869ec840'

Access transcriptAppears when a VCC admin, or a permitted supervisor or agent accesses a transcript in the call recording player. For information about accessing transcripts, see Analyzing a call recording.

Interaction GUID: 'InteractionGUID', Content key: 'transcript'

For example: Interaction GUID: '0173fbe1-73de-c757-e848-85bf6304d0ec', Content key: 'transcript'

Accessed call recording commentsAppears when a VCC admin, or a permitted supervisor or agent accesses call recording comments or Conversation Analyzer. For information about accessing call recording comments or Conversation Analyzer, see Listening to, viewing, and commenting on interaction content or Analyzing a call recording.Call GUID: CallGUID

For example:

Call GUID: 0173fbe1-73de-c757-e848-85bf6304d0ec
Access Interaction ContentDeprecated
Activate user

Appears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor activates an agent in User Admin. For information, see Configuring individual users.

titleUsers linked to multiple accounts

The action appears in the audit log of all accounts the user is linked to, not just the account the user was activated in. 

Id: AgentID , Name: AgentName

For example:
Id: 378945 , Name: AnneParkes

Add account linkAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor adds a linked account for a user.AccountName to user: UserName

For example:

SalesAccount to user: PeterJ
Add group permissionAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor gives another user permission to manage a group. For information about adding group permissions, see Configuring individual users.

GroupID: GroupID PermissionLevel for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
GroupID: 354353 read(1) for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor
GroupID: 86544 write(2) for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor

Add interaction plan permissionAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor gives another user permission to manage an interaction plan. For information about adding interaction plan permissions, see Configuring individual users.

Interaction Plan: InteractionPlanName (InteractionPlanNumber) for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
Interaction Plan: TechAuthor interaction plan (441234567890) for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor

Add line permissionAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor gives another user permission to manage a line. For information about adding line permissions, see Configuring individual users.

LineId: LineName (LineID) for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
LineID: ServiceLine (12345) for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor

Add manageeAppears when a VCC admin adds a managee for a user in User Access. For information, see Editing a user. PSTN address permissionAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor gives another user permission to manage a PSTN address. For information about adding PSTN address permissions, see Configuring individual users.

PSTN Address: PSTNAddress for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
PSTN Address: 01234567890 for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor

Add queue permissionAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor gives another user permission to manage a queue. For information about adding queue permissions, see Configuring individual users.

Queue: QueueName on InteractionPlanName (InteractionPlanNumber) PermissionLevel for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
Queue: A Queue on TechAuthor interaction plan (441234567890) read(1) for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor
Queue: B Queue on TechAuthor interaction plan (441234567890) write(2) for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor

Add ScreenpopAppears when a VCC supervisor creates a new screen pop. Screen pops appear in ContactHub.Group: GroupName Name: ScreenpopName

For example:

Group:Demo Group Name:New screenpop
Add Transfer String:Appears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor adds a transfer string for an applet in Interaction Plans Architect. For information about transfer strings, see Configuring applet transfer strings.TransferString for AppletName - InteractionPlanTelephoneNumber

For example:

4321 for test - 01888698066

Appears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor adds a new agent in User Admin. For information about adding new agents, see Configuring individual users.

AgentID: AgentName: AgentPINNumber: ChargeableStatus: ActiveStatus

For example:

507:DarrenB:7845300432:1234:chargeable - True:active - True

Appears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor adds an agent to a group in User Admin. For information, see Configuring groups.


For example:

addtoviewAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor adds an agent, group, or queue to or moves the item on the Real Time desktop. For information about adding items to the desktop, see Organizing the Real Time desktop.ObjectID: ObjectType: Coordinates: Coordinates: UserID

For example:



Agent Added To SkillAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor assigns a skill to an agent in User Admin. For information about assigning skills, see Configuring skills.Agent "AgentName" (xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) added to skill "SkillName" (SkillID).

For example:

Agent "Melanie" (122521) added to skill "French" (20081).
Agent Removed From SkillAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes an agent from a skill in User Admin. For information about removing agents from skills, see Configuring skills.Agent "AgentName" (xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) removed from skill "SkillName" (SkillID).

For example:

Agent "Melanie" (122521) removed from skill "French" (20081).
Agent SettingsAppears when a VCC agent changes their telephone number in ContactPad. For information on changing a phone number, see Changing your telephone number in ContactPad.Edit Tel No: from OldTelephoneNumber to NewTelephoneNumber

For example:

Edit Tel No: from 014826870316 to 07086537681
Agent Skill Level ChangedAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes an agent's skill level in User Admin. For information, see Configuring individual users.

Agent "AgentName" (AgentID) skill "SkillName" (SkillID) updated to level SkillLevel.

For example:
Agent "agent3" (8965803) skill "Bespoke Brazilian Portuguese" (13701) updated to level 9.

API Authentication Token Agent's presence state changedAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes an agent's presence state in Team Monitoring. For information, see Managing an agent's assigned skills in a Team Monitoring dashboard.

AgentName presence set to PresenceState (PresenceStateID)

For example:
Carl Carson presence set to In Meeting (47141c01-f27b-4d11-ba75-310a0b447106)

API Authentication Token GeneratedAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor generates a new API authentication token. For information, see Getting your account key and API authentication token.
Archive user

Appears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor archives an agent in User Admin. For information, see Configuring individual users.

titleUsers linked to multiple accounts

The action appears in the audit log of all accounts the user is linked to, not just the account the user was archived in. 

Id: AgentID , Name: AgentName

For example:
Id: 378945 , Name: AnneParkes

Call recording comment addedAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor adds a comment to a call recording in the call recording player. For information, see Listening to, viewing, and commenting on interaction content.

CallGuid: CallGUID

For example:
CallGuid: 01804bc5-ek59-fbfa-e2f5-6a39l59b87c7

Call recording comment deletedAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor deletes a comment for a call recording. For information, see Listening to, viewing, and commenting on interaction content.Call GUID: CallGUID

For example:

Call GUID: 0173fbe1-73de-c757-e848-85bf6304d0ec
Category Editor UpdateAppears when a VCC admin or supervisor makes a change in Category Editor. For information, see Category Editor for Conversation Analyzer.

Profile: ProfileName (ProfileLanguage) - Action - Details

For example:
Profile: TechAuthorProfile (en-gb) - Profile created
Profile: TechAuthorProfile (en-gb) - Profile modified - Skip calls under: 10s (previously 1)
Profile: TechAuthorProfile (en-gb) - Profile exported
Profile: TechAuthorProfile (en-gb) - Profile imported - 0 categories, 0 subcategories, 0 rules
Profile: COPY_TechAuthorProfile (en-gb) - Profile copied
Profile: COPY_TechAuthorProfile (en-gb) - Profile deleted
Profile: TechAuthorProfile (en-gb) - Category created - Category1
Profile: TechAuthorProfile (en-gb) - Category copied - COPY_Category1
Profile: TechAuthorProfile (en-gb) - Category modified - Category2 (previous name: COPY_Category1)
Profile: TechAuthorProfile (en-gb) - Subcategory created - Category1 / Subcategory1
Profile: TechAuthorProfile (en-gb) - Rule created - Category1 / Subcategory1 / Agent: "Hello how may I help you"
Profile: TechAuthorProfile (en-gb) - Rule modified - Category1 / Subcategory1 / Agent: "Good day how may I help you" (previously: Agent: "Hello how may I help you")
Profile: TechAuthorProfile (en-gb) - SubstitutionRule created - Agent: "Vonij" -> "Vonage"

Change group permissionAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes another user's permission to a group. For information about changing group permissions, see Configuring individual users.

GroupID: GroupID changed to PermissionLevel for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
GroupID: 86544 changed to write(2) for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor

Change queue permissionAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes another user's permission to a queue. For information about changing queue permissions, see Configuring individual users.

Queue: QueueName on InteractionPlanName (InteractionPlanNumber) changed to PermissionLevel for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
Queue: A Queue on TechAuthor interaction plan (441234567890) changed to write(1) for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor

Change SSO SettingsAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes the Single Sign-On configuration. For information, see Configuring single sign-on.

Salesforce: Enabled/Disabled, ContactWorld identifier: xxxx, Salesforce identifier: xxxx

Microsoft: Enabled/Disabled, ContactWorld identifier: xxxx, Azure identifier: xxxx, Azure domain: xxxx

For example:

Salesforce: Enabled, ContactWorld identifier: ExternalId, Salesforce identifier: UserId

Microsoft: Enabled, ContactWorld identifier: Email, Azure identifier: Username, Azure domain: Contoso

Change supervisor telAppears when a permitted VCC supervisor changes the telephone number that they use to listen to calls. For information about changing this telephone number, see Setting your number for supervising calls.NewTelephoneNumber

For example:

changeagentstateAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes an agent's state in Real Time. For information, see Changing an agent's state.AgentID:State

For example:

432:Wrap up
Change Password PolicyAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes the password expiry settings or minimum complexity requirements. For information, see Configuring password policy.Passwords never expire/expire after xx days. Agents can/cannot use PINs. Minimum length: xx, Lower case: xx, Upper case: xx, Digits: xx, Special characters: xx

For example:

Passwords expire after 100 days. Agents cannot use PINs. Minimum length: 10, Lower case: 1, Upper case: 1, Digits: 1, Special characters: 1

Copy Interaction Plan


Appears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor copies an interaction plan.

SourceInteractionPlanName (Id: SourceInteractionPlanID)->DestinationInteractionPlanName (Id: DestinationInteractionPlanID)

For example:
01234567890 (Id:01234567890 )->TechAuthor interaction plan (Id: 6c5b49ec-0b35-4c4f-b599-b2b0ebff3e50)

Create Aggregate Data SourceAppears when a VCC admin creates a data source mapping. For information, see Data Source Mappings.

Id: DataSourceMappingID, Name: DataSourceMappingName, Type: string, Description: DataSourceMappingDescription, DataSources: (DataSource_1, DataSource_2, DataSource_n)

For example:
Id: 27784, Name: Audit log, Type: string, Description: A data source mapping to test the audit log, DataSources: (ds1, ds2)

Create API CredentialsAppears when a VCC supervisor creates API credentials. For information, see API Credentials.

Id: APICredentialsID, Name: APICredentialsName, Scopes: (Scope_1, Scope_2, ..., Scope_n)

For example:
Id: 97aa773a-89c0-496c-819d-31badc969e03, Name: Audit log credentials, Scopes: (agents-availability:read, interaction-content:delete, interactions:write)

Create AppletAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor creates a new applet. For information, see Creating an applet.

AppletType:InteractionPlanName (Id: InteractionPlanID):AppletName

For example:
ACD:TechAuthor interaction plan (Id: 6c5b49ec-0b35-4c4f-b599-b2b0ebff3e50):NewACDApplet

Create Interaction PlanAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor creates an interaction plan. For information, see Using Interaction Plans Manager.

Id: InteractionPlanID Name: InteractionPlanName

For example:
Id: 301b6d3e-d5ac-471a-9a72-fc6b5883e7a2 Name: Service plan

Create Interaction Plan MappingAppears when a VCC VCC admin or permitted supervisor creates an interaction plan mapping. For information, see Using Interaction Plans Manager.

Id: InteractionPlanMappingID Name: InteractionPlanMappingName Plan: InteractionPlanID 

For example:
Id: e8ddf3bf-5186-40c6-9f4b-8976cd898098 Name: Service mapping Plan: 301b6d3e-d5ac-471a-9a72-fc6b5883e7a2

Create SkillAppears when a VCC supervisor creates a new skill in User Admin. For information about creating skills, see Configuring skills."SkillName" (SkillID) created.

For example:

"Sales English" (19891) created.
Create userAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor creates a new user in the User Admin module. For information about creating users, see Configuring individual users.

UserName Name Email UserType ChargeableStatus

UserType is one of the following values:

  • Reseller (2)
  • Customer (3)

For example:

JoeS Joe Smith 3 True
creategroupAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor creates a new agent group in User Admin. For information about creating groups, see Configuring groups.

GroupName: GroupID: MaxWrapup: MaxUnexpected: BusyThreshold: WrapUpThreshold

For example:

Demo Group:4:10:10:300:300
createviewAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor creates a view in Real Time. For information about creating views, see

ProfileName: ServiceNumbersAndNamedRouteUIDs: :ProfileType

ServiceNumbersAndNamedRouteUIDs is a comma-separated list of the service numbers and named route IDs on which the profile's report will run. A named route UID is the internal name given to a named route when it is created. The UID consists of the account name, a dash, and the number of the route (routes are numbered in order of creation).

For example:

NewProfile: 01569310420, 01886889606, SalesAccount-1, SalesAccount-2::Summary
createviewAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor creates a view in Real Time. For information about creating views, see Using Real Time views.NameOfView

For example:

Groups A, B, and C
Customer mobility finishedAppears when Vonage finishes moving a customer account to a different node for disaster recovery.Customer mobility finished.
Customer mobility startedUsing Real Time views.NameOfView

For example:

Groups A, B, and C
Customer mobility finishedAppears when Vonage finishes moving a customer account to a different node for disaster recovery.Customer mobility finished.
Customer mobility startedAppears when Vonage starts moving a customer account to a different node for disaster recovery.

Customer mobility started. Source node: SourceNode. Target node: TargetNode.

For example:
Customer mobility started. Source node: Target node:

Delete API CredentialsAppears when a VCC supervisor deletes API credentials. For information, see Configuring API credentials.

Id: APICredentialsID, Name: APICredentialsName, Scopes: (Scope_1, Scope_2, ...Scope_n)

For example:
Id: 97aa773a-89c0-496c-819d-31badc969e03, Name: Audit log credentials, Scopes: (agents-availability:read, interaction-content:delete, interactions:write)

Delete AppletAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor deletes an applet in Interaction Plans Management. For information, see Deleting an applet or applets.

InteractionPlanName (Id: InteractionPlanID):AppletName

For example:
TechAuthor interaction plan (Id: 6c5b49ec-0b35-4c4f-b599-b2b0ebff3e50):OldApplet

Delete Call Recording CommentsAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor deletes all comments for a given call recording, that is, when they delete an interaction. For information, see Deleting interaction content.Call GUID: CallGUID

For example:

Call GUID: 0173fbe1-73de-c757-e848-85bf6304d0ec
Delete Interaction ContentAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor deletes an item of interaction content, such as a voicemail or call recording. When a user deletes a whole interaction, each of its content types (call recording, transcript, categorization result, and so on) is mentioned in a separate message. For information, see Deleting interaction content and Using voicemail in ContactPad.

Interaction GUID: 'InteractionGUID', Content key: 'InteractionContentKey', Type: 'InteractionContentType', Reason: 'ReasonForDeletion'

For example:
Interaction GUID: '0173ee94-6341-4d0a-8d15-11942d529541', Content key: 'voicemail-8238318', Type: 'voicemail', Reason: 'user action'
Interaction GUID: '017fd0c6-910f-0e24-df67-dfa5fff252f6', Content key: 'callRecording', Type: 'callRecording', Reason: 'User action'

Delete SkillAppears when a VCC supervisor deletes a skill in User Admin. For information about deleting skills, see Configuring skills.

"SkillName" (SkillID) deleted.

For example:
"Expert agents" (434248) deleted.

Delete user

Appears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor deletes a user in User Admin. For information, see Configuring individual users.

titleUsers linked to multiple accounts

The action appears in the audit log of all accounts the user was linked to, not just the account the user was deleted from.


For example:

deleteagentAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor deletes an agent in User Admin. For information about deleting agents, see Configuring individual users.AgentID

For example:

deleteviewAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor deletes a view in Real Time. For information about deleting views, see Using Real Time views.


ViewID is the unique ID that a view is assigned when a supervisor creates a view.

For example:

Download call recordingAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor downloads a call recording using the download button in the call recordings player. For information, see Listening to, viewing, and commenting on interaction content.Call GUID: CallGUID

For example:

Call GUID: 0173fbe1-73de-c757-e848-85bf6304d0ec
editagentAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor edits an agent in User Admin. For information about editing agents, see Configuring individual users.

AgentID:AgentName:AgentTelephoneNumber:chargeable - ChargeableStatus:active - ActiveStatus:WebRTC - WebRTCStatus:Transcribe calls - TranscribeCallsStatus

For example:

03017975:Anna:555108105:4321:chargeable - True:active - True:WebRTC - False:Transcribe calls - True
editgroupAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor edits an agent group in User Admin. For information about editing groups, see Configuring groups.


For example:

Demo Group:4:10:10:300:300
Enable Automatic DeletionAppears when a VCC admin enables automatic deletion of Agent and Interaction Statistics or Interaction Content, or changes its configured value. For information, see Data Retention.Interaction Content - Configured retention changed from old value to new value days. Service Description reviewed

For example:

Interaction Content - Configured retention changed from 400 to 402 days. Service Description reviewed
InitialAppletHistorical Analytics dashboard createdAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor sets the initial applet for an interaction plansupervisor or admin creates and saves a new dashboard. For information about setting an initial applet, see Setting initial applet.InteractionPlanTelephoneNumber - ServiceName:AppletName, see Using Historical Analytics.

ID: 'DashboardID', Name: 'DashboardName'

For example:
TechAuthor interaction plan:Welcome menu

Interaction abandonedAppears when an agent abandons an interaction in ContactPad. Agents should only abandon an interaction in case of a system error.

AgentUid: AgentID, Guid: InteractionGUIDID: '2137', Name: 'Agent performance - login/logout details'

Historical Analytics dashboard copiedAppears when a VCC supervisor or admin copies and saves an existing dashboard. For information, see Using Historical Analytics.

Source ID: 'SourceDashboardID', Source name: 'SourceDashboardName', Target ID: 'TargetDashboardID', Target name: 'TargetDashboardName'

For example:AgentUid: 10001626, Guid: 0ca90901-990c-40a5-892d-a5dff1969ec9

Interaction Capacity Settings

Source ID: '1234', Source name: 'Agent performance - login/logout details', Target ID: '4321', Target name: 'Agent performance - login/logout details - Sales Team'

Historical Analytics dashboard deletedAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor updates the percentage agent capacity used by different interaction types. For information, see Editing Configuration (Account Settings).PhoneCapacity: LiveInteractionCapacity, EmailCapacity: SemiLiveInteractionCapacity, ChatCapacity: NonLiveInteractionCapacitysupervisor or admin deletes a dashboard. For information, see Using Historical Analytics.

ID: 'DashboardID', Name: 'DashboardName'

For example:
PhoneCapacityID: 100'1234', EmailCapacity: 100, ChatCapacity: 100

IVR Friendly Names

Name: 'Agent performance - login/logout details'

Historical Analytics dashboard editedAppears when a VCC supervisor or admin or permitted supervisor updates the friendly name of an IVR slot. For information, see Configuring friendly names for IVR slots.Update IVRSlotName FriendlyName to: IVRSlotFriendlyName
Update Friendly Names Completedupdates and saves an existing dashboard. For information, see Using Historical Analytics.

ID: 'DashboardID', Name: 'DashboardName'

For example:
Update Digit 1 FriendlyName to: Menu item
Update Friendly Names Completed

Language pack update

ID: '1234', Name: 'Agent performance - login/logout details'

Historical Analytics dashboard viewedAppears when a VCC supervisor updates a language pack. For information, see Configuring language packs for custom applet announcements.Language packs have been updatedLicence Overageor admin opens an existing dashboard. For information, see Using Historical Analytics.

ID: 'DashboardID', Name: 'DashboardName'

For example:
ID: '1234', Name: 'Agent performance - login/logout details'


Appears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor

Agent AgentID was created exceeding the licence limit with user's consent.

For example:
Agent 12345 was created exceeding the licence limit with user's consent.

Link agent to user


LoginAppears when a VCC user logs in to the VCC Admin Portal or ContactPad. For information about logging in to the VCC Admin Portal or ContactPad, see Logging in to the VCC Admin Portal.

A successful Login action results in no related data. Unsuccessful Login actions have related data, such as:

  • Account suspended
  • Attempt to login by a locked user
  • Attempt to login by an archived user
  • Attempt to login using username and password to a SSO only account failed
  • Invalid password
  • IP Address not whitelisted
  • User does not exist
  • User is not linked to any accounts
Login SSOAppears when a VCC user logs in to the VCC Admin Portal or ContactPad using single sign-on. For information about logging in to the VCC Admin Portal or ContactPad using single sign-on, see Logging in to the VCC Admin Portal using single sign-on or Logging in to ContactPad using single sign-on.

Successful Login SSO action:

  • Successful login using Microsoft issuer 'MicrosoftIssuer', username 'UserName'
  • Successful login using Okta SSO issuer 'OktaIssuer', username 'UserName'
  • Successful login using Salesforce org ID 'SalesforceOrgID', username 'UserName'
  • Successful login using Vonage account ID 'VonageAccountID', username 'UserName'

Unsuccessful Login SSO action:

  • Failed login - Email address 'UserEmail' not verified. Using Salesforce org ID 'SalesforceOrgID', username 'UserName'
  • Failed login - Multiple matching users found for Email 'UserEmail'. Using Microsoft issuer 'MicrosoftIssuer', username 'UserName'
  • Failed login - Multiple matching users found for Email 'UserEmail'. Using Salesforce org ID 'SalesforceOrgID', username 'UserName'
  • Failed login - No matching user found for Email 'UserEmail'. Using Microsoft issuer 'MicrosoftIssuer', username 'UserName'
  • Failed login - No matching user found for Email 'UserEmail'. Using Okta SSO issuer 'OktaIssuer', username 'UserName'
  • Failed login - No matching user found for Email 'UserEmail'. Using Salesforce org ID 'SalesforceOrgID', username 'UserName'

sets the initial applet for an interaction plan. For information about setting an initial applet, see Setting initial applet.

InteractionPlanTelephoneNumber - ServiceName:AppletName

For example:
TechAuthor interaction plan:Welcome menu

Interaction abandonedAppears when an agent abandons an interaction in ContactPad. Agents should only abandon an interaction in case of a system error.

AgentUid: AgentID, Guid: InteractionGUID

For example:
AgentUid: 10001626, Guid: 0ca90901-990c-40a5-892d-a5dff1969ec9

Interaction Capacity SettingsAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor updates the percentage agent capacity used by different interaction types. For information, see Editing Configuration (Account Settings).

PhoneCapacity: LiveInteractionCapacity, EmailCapacity: SemiLiveInteractionCapacity, ChatCapacity: NonLiveInteractionCapacity

For example:
PhoneCapacity: 100, EmailCapacity: 100, ChatCapacity: 100

IVR Friendly NamesAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor updates the friendly name of an IVR slot. For information, see Configuring friendly names for IVR slots.

Update IVRSlotName FriendlyName to: IVRSlotFriendlyName
Update Friendly Names Completed

For example:
Update Digit 1 FriendlyName to: Menu item
Update Friendly Names Completed

Language pack updateAppears when a VCC supervisor updates a language pack. For information, see Configuring language packs for custom applet announcements.Language packs have been updated
Licence OverageAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor user saves a new agent whose license exceeds the license limit. The user clicks to accept the additional charge for creating this user. For information, see Configuring licenses.

Agent AgentID was created exceeding the licence limit with user's consent.

For example:
Agent 12345 was created exceeding the licence limit with user's consent.

Link agent to user


LoginAppears when a VCC user logs in to the VCC Admin Portal or ContactPad. For information about logging in to the VCC Admin Portal or ContactPad, see Logging in to the

Successful login using VBC user UserName in account VCCAccountID

For example:
Successful login using VBC user Helen G in account 12345

VCC Admin Portal.

A successful Login action results in no related data. Unsuccessful Login actions have related data, such as:

  • Account suspended
  • Attempt to login by a locked user
  • Attempt to login by an archived user
  • Attempt to login using username and password to a SSO only account failed
  • Invalid password
  • IP Address not whitelisted
  • User does not exist
  • User is not linked to any accounts
Login SSOAppears when a VCC user logs in to the VCC Admin Portal or ContactPad using single sign-on.logoutagent For information about logging in to the VCC Admin Portal or ContactPad using single sign-on, see Logging in to the VCC Admin Portal


For example:

Make groups read onlyAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes all groups to read-only for a user in User Access. For information, see Editing linked account permissions.

for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
for user: HelenG on Acc: TechAuthor

Make groups writableAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes all groups to writable for a user in User Access. For information, see Editing linked account permissions.

for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
for user: HelenG on Acc: TechAuthor

Make queues read onlyAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes all queues to read-only for a user in User Access. For information, see Editing linked account permissions.

for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
for user: HelenG on Acc: TechAuthor

Make queues writableAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes all queues to writable for a user in User Access. For information, see Editing linked account permissions.

for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
for user: HelenG on Acc: TechAuthor

Microsoft Organization LinkedAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor links their VCC account to a Microsoft organization. For information, see Configuring your Vonage Contact Center and Microsoft Teams integration.Microsoft organization with ID MicrosoftAccountID was linked to the account.
Microsoft Organization UnlinkedAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor unlinks their VCC account from a Microsoft organization. For information, see Configuring your Vonage Contact Center and Microsoft Teams integration.Microsoft organization with ID MicrosoftAccountID was unlinked from the account.
using single sign-on or Logging in to ContactPad using single sign-on.

Successful Login SSO action:

  • Successful login using Microsoft issuer 'MicrosoftIssuer', username 'UserName'
  • Successful login using Okta SSO issuer 'OktaIssuer', username 'UserName'
  • Successful login using Salesforce org ID 'SalesforceOrgID', username 'UserName'
  • Successful login using Vonage account ID 'VonageAccountID', username 'UserName'

Unsuccessful Login SSO action:

  • Failed login - Email address 'UserEmail' not verified. Using Salesforce org ID 'SalesforceOrgID', username 'UserName'
  • Failed login - Multiple matching users found for Email 'UserEmail'. Using Microsoft issuer 'MicrosoftIssuer', username 'UserName'
  • Failed login - Multiple matching users found for Email 'UserEmail'. Using Salesforce org ID 'SalesforceOrgID', username 'UserName'
  • Failed login - No matching user found for Email 'UserEmail'. Using Microsoft issuer 'MicrosoftIssuer', username 'UserName'
  • Failed login - No matching user found for Email 'UserEmail'. Using Okta SSO issuer 'OktaIssuer', username 'UserName'
  • Failed login - No matching user found for Email 'UserEmail'. Using Salesforce org ID 'SalesforceOrgID', username 'UserName'
Login VBCAppears when a VCC user logs in to the VCC Admin Portal or ContactPad using their VBC login credentials. For information about logging in to the VCC Admin Portal or ContactPad using VBC, see Logging in to the Vonage Contact Center Admin Portal using single sign-on or Logging in to ContactPad using single sign-on.

Successful login using VBC user UserName in account VCCAccountID

For example:
Successful login using VBC user Helen G in account 12345

LogoutAppears when a VCC user logs out from the VCC Admin Portal or ContactPad. For information, see Logging out of ContactPad.

Appears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor logs an agent out of the VCC Admin Portal in Real Time. For information, see Changing an agent's state.


For example:

Make groups read onlyAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes all groups to read-only for a user in User Access. For information, see Configuring Default presence mappings from MS Teams to VCC have been restored.admin and supervisor feature permissions.

for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
for user: HelenG on Acc: TechAuthor

Make groups writableAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes all groups to writable for a user in User Access. For information, see Configuring admin and supervisor feature permissions.

for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:

titleCountryNumber and NationalOrInternational

CountryNumber represents the position of the chosen country in the list of countries.

NationalOrInternational determines the format of displayed numbers in ContactPad.

Omni-channel configuration savedDeprecatedOmni-channel presences fetched

for user: HelenG on Acc: TechAuthor

Make queues read onlyAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor clicks to fetch omni-channel presences to integrate VCC with Salesforce Omni-Channel presence. For information about integrating VCC with Salesforce Omni-Channel presence, see Integrating with Salesforce Omni-Channel presence.x presences fetched

For example:

3 presences fetchedOutbound Settingschanges all queues to read-only for a user in User Access. For information, see Configuring admin and supervisor feature permissions.

for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
for user: HelenG on Acc: TechAuthor

Make queues writableAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes outbound settingsall queues to writable for a user in User Access. For information, see Editing Configuration (Account Settings).Call timeout limit: NoAnswerTimeoutHHMMSS, Wrap up: WrapUpTimeHHMMSS, Post call agent state: PostCallAgentStatesee Configuring admin and supervisor feature permissions.

for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:

Call timeout limit: 00:00:10, Wrap up: 00:03:00, Post call agent state: ReadyPause Automatic DeletionAppears when a VCC admin pauses automatic deletion of Agent and Interaction Statistics or Interaction Content.Agent and Interaction Statistics - Reason "pausing reason". Service Description reviewed

For example:

Agent and Interaction Statistics - Reason "audit". Service Description reviewedPIN Changed:

for user: HelenG on Acc: TechAuthor

Microsoft Organization LinkedAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor changes the PIN for an interaction planlinks their VCC account to a Microsoft organization. For information, see Editing Configuration (Account Settings).


For example:

Post Call Quality Rating SettingsConfiguring your Vonage Contact Center and Microsoft Teams integration.Microsoft organization with ID MicrosoftAccountID was linked to the account.Microsoft Organization UnlinkedAppears when a VCC supervisor modifies the percentage of calls an agent must provide a quality rating foradmin or permitted supervisor unlinks their VCC account from a Microsoft organization. For information, see Configuring post call quality rating.

Mandatory Call Rating Frequency: PercentageOfCallsToRate

For example:
Mandatory Call Rating Frequency: 75

QueuedSummaryReportsee Configuring your Vonage Contact Center and Microsoft Teams integration.Microsoft organization with ID MicrosoftAccountID was unlinked from the account.MST to VCC Default Presence Mappings RestoredAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor sends a summary report to one or more email addresses from Stats and Reportsresets Microsoft Teams and VCC presence mappings. For information, see Running a report.


For example:
Weekly Summary:4/22/2022_4/27/2022

Remove account linkConfiguring your Vonage Contact Center and Microsoft Teams integration.Default presence mappings from MS Teams to VCC have been restored.National SettingsAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes a linked account from a user in User Accesschanges the account's location settings. For information, see Editing a user.LinkedAccount from user: UserNameConfiguration (Account Settings).

Country: CountryNumber National: NationalOrInternational

For example:

TechAuthor from user: SimonRemove all groups

Country: 227 National: International

titleCountryNumber and NationalOrInternational

CountryNumber represents the position of the chosen country in the list of countries.

NationalOrInternational determines the format of displayed numbers in ContactPad.

Omni-channel configuration savedDeprecated
Omni-channel presences fetchedAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes all group permissions for a user in User Access. For information, see Editing linked account permissions.

for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
for user: Supervisor on Acc: TechAuthor

Remove all interaction plan permissionsclicks to fetch omni-channel presences to integrate VCC with Salesforce Omni-Channel presence. For information about integrating VCC with Salesforce Omni-Channel presence, see Integrating with Salesforce Omni-Channel presence.x presences fetched

For example:

3 presences fetchedOutbound SettingsAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes all interaction plan permissions for a user in User Accesschanges outbound settings. For information, see Editing linked account permissionsConfiguration (Account Settings).

for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

Call timeout limit: NoAnswerTimeoutHHMMSS, Wrap up: WrapUpTimeHHMMSS, Post call agent state: PostCallAgentState

For example:

for user: Supervisor on Acc: TechAuthorRemove all lines

Call timeout limit: 00:00:10, Wrap up: 00:03:00, Post call agent state: Ready

Pause Automatic DeletionAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes all line permissions for a user in User Access. For information, see Editing linked account permissions.

for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
for user: Supervisor on Acc: TechAuthor

Remove all queuespauses automatic deletion of Agent and Interaction Statistics or Interaction Content.Agent and Interaction Statistics - Reason "pausing reason". Service Description reviewed

For example:

Agent and Interaction Statistics - Reason "audit". Service Description reviewedPerformance dashboard createdAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes all queue permissions for a user in User Accesssupervisor or admin creates and saves a new dashboard. For information, see Editing linked account permissionssee Using Real-time Analytics.for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

ID: 'DashboardID', Name: 'DashboardName'

For example:

for user: Supervisor on Acc: TechAuthorRemove group

ID: '71bed513-97de-492a-878b-379738443e0e', Name: 'Service level agreement dashboard'

Performance dashboard deletedAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes permission to view or modify a group from a user in User Accessor admin deletes a dashboard. For information, see Editing linked account permissionssee Using Real-time Analytics.for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

ID: 'DashboardID', Name: 'DashboardName'

For example:

for user: Supervisor on Acc: TechAuthorRemove group permission

ID: '71bed513-97de-492a-878b-379738443e0e', Name: 'Service level agreement dashboard'

Performance dashboard updatedAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes permission to manage a group from another user in User Admin. For information about removing group permissions, see Configuring individual users.GroupID: GroupID for user: UserName on Acc: AccountNamesupervisor or admin updates and saves an existing dashboard. For information, see Using Real-time Analytics.

ID: 'DashboardID', Name: 'DashboardName'

For example:

GroupID: 86544 for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthorRemove interaction plan permission

ID: '71bed513-97de-492a-878b-379738443e0e', Name: 'Service level agreement dashboard'

PIN Changed:Appears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes permission to manage changes the PIN for an interaction plan from another user. For information about removing interaction plan permissions, see Configuring individual users.Interaction Plan: InteractionPlanName (InteractionPlanNumber) for user: UserName on Acc: AccountNameEditing Configuration (Account Settings).


For example:

Interaction Plan: TechAuthor interaction plan (441234567890) for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthorRemove line permission


Post Call Quality Rating SettingsAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes permission to manage a line from another usersupervisor modifies the percentage of calls an agent must provide a quality rating for. For information about removing line permissions, see Configuring individual userspost call quality rating.LineId: LineName (LineID) for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

Mandatory Call Rating Frequency: PercentageOfCallsToRate

For example:
Mandatory Call Rating Frequency: 75

Remove account linkAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes a linked account from a user in User Access.

LinkedAccount from user: UserName

For example:

LineID: ServiceLine (12345) for

TechAuthor from user:

Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor


Remove PSTN address permissionall interaction plan permissionsAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes permission to manage a PSTN address from another userall interaction plan permissions for a user in User Access. For information about adding PSTN address permissions, see Configuring individual usersadmin and supervisor feature permissions.PSTN Address: PSTNAddress

for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:

PSTN Address: 01234567890

for user:


Supervisor on Acc: TechAuthor

Remove queue permissionall linesAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes user permission to manage a queue from another userall line permissions for a user in User Access. For information about removing queue permissions, see Configuring individual usersadmin and supervisor feature permissions.Queue: QueueName on InteractionPlanName (InteractionPlanNumber)

for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:

Queue: A Queue on TechAuthor interaction plan (441234567890)

for user:


Supervisor on Acc: TechAuthor

removeagentRemove all queuesAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes an agent from a group all queue permissions for a user in User AdminAccess. For information, see Configuring groups or Configuring individual usersadmin and supervisor feature permissions.AgentID:from:GroupID

for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:


for user: Supervisor on Acc: TechAuthor

Remove group permissionAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes an agent, group, or queue from the Real Time desktoppermission to manage a group from another user in User Admin. For information about removing items from the desktop, see Organizing the Real Time desktop.ObjectID:ObjectType:UserIDgroup permissions, see Configuring individual users.

GroupID: GroupID for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
0000GroupID: Agent:4871



86544 for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor

Remove interaction plan permissionAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes the post-call named route for permission to manage an interaction plan from another user. For information about removing interaction plan permissions, see Setting post-call named route.InteractionPlanIDConfiguring individual users.

Interaction Plan: InteractionPlanName (InteractionPlanNumber) for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
Interaction Plan: TechAuthor interaction plan (441234567890


) for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor

Remove line permissionAppears when a VCC a VCC admin or permitted supervisor renames an appletremoves permission to manage a line from another user. For information about removing line permissions, see Renaming an applet.InteractionPlanName:AppletName to NewAppletNameConfiguring individual users.

LineId: LineName (LineID) for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:

*TechAuthor interaction plan:Default queueueue to Default queuerenameview

LineID: ServiceLine (12345) for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor

Remove PSTN address permissionAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor renames a view in Real Timeremoves permission to manage a PSTN address from another user. For information about renaming views, see Using Real Time views.


ViewID is the unique ID that a view is assigned when a supervisor creates a view.

For example:

4871:All groupsReset parent useradding PSTN address permissions, see Configuring individual users.

PSTN Address: PSTNAddress for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:
PSTN Address: 01234567890 for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor

Remove queue permissionAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes user permission to manage a managee queue from another user in User Access. For information about removing queue permissions, see Editing a user.UserNameManagee UserNameNewManagerConfiguring individual users.

Queue: QueueName on InteractionPlanName (InteractionPlanNumber) for user: UserName on Acc: AccountName

For example:

LeoG new parent: HelenG
titleReset parent user

When a VCC admin removes a managee from their existing manager ('parent'), the admin becomes the managee's new manager ('parent'). UserNameNewManager is always the user name of the person who performed the action.

ResetAgentPasswordAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor clicks Forgot Password in User Admin. This sends a forgotten password email to the agent. For information, see 

Queue: A Queue on TechAuthor interaction plan (441234567890) for user: Eddie on Acc: TechAuthor

removeagentAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor removes an agent from a group in User Admin. For information, see Configuring groups or Configuring individual users.Id


AgentId Username:Username Email: EmailAddress


For example:



4871 Username:JoeS Email: SCSRight To Be Forgotten


removefromviewAppears when a VCC supervisor submits or cancels a Right to be Forgotten request, or VCC processes a submitted request. The token replaces any incidences of the personal identifier in the data. For information about raising Right to be Forgotten requests, see Raising a Right to be Forgotten request for Vonage to process.

Submission for/Cancellation for/Processed Right to be Forgotten. Token red-GUID

For example:

Submission for Right to be Forgotten. Token red-3edcbb7f-89df-4237-883

Cancellation for Right to be Forgotten. Token red-01b2f41f-bb05-485e-980

Processed Right to be Forgotten Token red-b0654375-4689-441f-bd4

Salesforce Administrationadmin or permitted supervisor removes an agent, group, or queue from the Real Time desktop. For information about removing items from the desktop, see Organizing the Real Time desktop.ObjectID:ObjectType:UserID

For example:



RemovePostCallNamedRouteAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor successfully updates the salesforce credentials used to link VCC to a Salesforce account. For more information, see Linking VCC to a Salesforce account.Salesforce credentials updated to username 'SalesforceUsername' on instance 'SalesforceInstance'

For example:

Salesforce credentials updated to username '' on instance 'EU3'Screen recording client misconfiguredAppears when VCC tries to record an agent's screen but their screen recording client is not configured correctly. For information, see Recording your screen during calls.

User is not logged in
Application is not running
User mismatch, region: VCCRegion, username: UserName, account name: AccountName

For example:
User mismatch, region: nam, username: HelenG, account name: TechAuthor

Send forgot password emailAppears when a VCC admin and permitted supervisor clicks to reset a user's password in User Access. For information, see Sending a user a reset password email.

Username: UserName Email: UserEmail

For example:
Username: JoeS Email:

ServiceNameAppears when a VCC admin and permitted supervisor assigns a service name to a telephone number or named route in Interaction Plans Architect. For information about assigning service names, see Setting service name.

ServiceNumber:ServiceName when the applet is part of a call plan.


NamedRouteUID:ServiceName when the applet is part of an interaction plan. The NamedRouteUID is the internal name given to a named route when it is created. The UID consists of the account name, a dash, and the number of the route (routes are numbered in order of creation).

For example:

SalesAccount-1:MainServiceLineShowAgentReportAppears when a VCC admin and permitted supervisor runs an agent type report. For information about showing reports, see Running a report.UserName:ProfileName

For example:

HelenG:Agent profile for DecemberShowSummaryReport:profileAppears when a VCC adand supervisor runs a summary type report. For information about showing reports, see Running a report.

ProfileName: ddis: ndate: FromDate: to: ToDate

n is the number of telephone numbers and named routes (DDISs) reported on in the displayed report.

For example:

Summary profile for January: ddis: 1date: 01/01/2015: to: 31/01/2015Skills Name ChangeAppears when a VCC supervisor changes the name of a skill in User Admin. For information about editing skills, see Configuring skills."SkillName" (SkillID) name changed to "NewSkillName".

For example:

"Englihs" (13561) name changed to "English".StatsColumnsAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor edits the stats details for a report profile of summary or agent states types. For information about editing profiles, see Editing a profile.altered: ProfileName

For example:

altered: Summary profile for JanuaryStatsProfileAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor edits the stats details for a report profile of agent activity, call, or group summary types. For information about editing profiles, see Editing a profile.Updated:ProfileName

For example:

Updated:Agent profile for Decemberremoves the post-call named route for an interaction plan. For information, see Setting post-call named route.


For example:

RenameAppletAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor renames an applet. For information, see Renaming an applet.

InteractionPlanName:AppletName to NewAppletName

For example:
*TechAuthor interaction plan:Default queueueue to Default queue

renameviewAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor renames a view in Real Time. For information about renaming views, see Using Real Time views.


ViewID is the unique ID that a view is assigned when a supervisor creates a view.

For example:

4871:All groupsReport a problem

Appears when an agent reports a problem in ContactPad. For information about reporting problems, see Reporting problems in ContactPad. Only problems reported after a call has ended are logged.

titleAudio problems

In addition to reporting Vonage problems in ContactPad, agents can report audio problems too. Audit Log includes only Vonage problems and not audio problems. Audio problems are displayed in Real-time Analytics and Historical Analytics. For information about viewing audio problems in Real-time Analytics and in Historical Analytics, see Viewing audio problems in Real-time Analytics and Audio problems summary.

Agent ID: AgentID, Last interaction GUID: InteractionGUID, WebRTC connection state (1): Vonage | ConnectedStatus, WebRTC connection state (2): Backup | ConnectedStatus

Last interaction GUID only appears if there was an interaction before the agent reported a problem. WebRTB connection state information only appears if the feature is enabled for the agent's account.

For example:
Agent ID: 110, Last interaction GUID: cbfc48f2-8861-40dc-9997-77a6f1bf982e, WebRTC connection state (1): Vonage | Connected, WebRTC connection state (2): Backup | Connected

Reset parent userAppears when a VCC admin removes a managee from another user in User Access.

UserNameManagee UserNameNewManager

For example:
LeoG new parent: HelenG

titleReset parent user

When a VCC admin removes a managee from their existing manager ('parent'), the admin becomes the managee's new manager ('parent'). UserNameNewManager is always the user name of the person who performed the action.

ResetAgentPasswordAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor clicks Forgot Password in User Admin. This sends a forgotten password email to the agent. For information, see Configuring individual users.Id:AgentId Username:Username Email: EmailAddress

For example:

Id:4871 Username:JoeS Email: SCSRight To Be ForgottenAppears when a VCC supervisor submits or cancels a Right to be Forgotten request, or VCC processes a submitted request. The token replaces any incidences of the personal identifier in the data. For information about raising Right to be Forgotten requests, see Raising a Right to be Forgotten request for Vonage to process.

Submission for/Cancellation for/Processed Right to be Forgotten. Token red-GUID

For example:

Submission for Right to be Forgotten. Token red-3edcbb7f-89df-4237-883

Cancellation for Right to be Forgotten. Token red-01b2f41f-bb05-485e-980

Processed Right to be Forgotten Token red-b0654375-4689-441f-bd4

Salesforce AdministrationAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor successfully updates the salesforce credentials used to link VCC to a Salesforce account. For more information, see Linking VCC to a Salesforce account.Salesforce credentials updated to username 'SalesforceUsername' on instance 'SalesforceInstance'

For example:

Salesforce credentials updated to username '' on instance 'EU3'Screen recording client misconfiguredAppears when VCC tries to record an agent's screen but their screen recording client is not configured correctly. For information, see Recording your screen during calls.

User is not logged in
Application is not running
User mismatch, region: VCCRegion, username: UserName, account name: AccountName

For example:
User mismatch, region: nam, username: HelenG, account name: TechAuthor

Skills Name ChangeAppears when a VCC supervisor changes the name of a skill in User Admin. For information about editing skills, see Configuring skills."SkillName" (SkillID) name changed to "NewSkillName".

For example:

"Englihs" (13561) name changed to "English".Transfer String LimitAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor updates the transfer string length limit in Configuration. For information, see Editing Configuration (Account Settings).

Changed to: TransferStringLengthLimit

For example:
Changed to: 5

Transfer Wrap Up TimeAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor updates the transfer wrap up time in Configuration. For information, see Editing Configuration (Account Settings).

Transfer Wrap Up Time: TransferWrapUpTime

For example:
Transfer Wrap Up Time: 10

Update AddressAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor updates an address in Interaction Plan Manager. For information, see Using Interaction Plans Manager.

Address: DestinationAddress Type: DestinationType Name: DestinationName

For example:
Address: Emails Type: Api Name: Secondary destination
Address: 441234567890 Type: PSTN Name: Main destination

Update agent licence allocationAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor updates the agent license allocated for an account. For information, see Configuring licenses.

AccountName allocation: PercentageLicenseAllocation, max overage: PercentageOverage

For example:
TechAuthor allocation: 70.00%, max overage: 10.00%

Update Aggregate Data SourceAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor updates a data source mapping. For information, see Data Source Mappings.

Id: DataSourceMappingID, Name: DataSourceMappingName, Type: string, Description: DataSourceMappingDescription, DataSources: (DataSource_1, DataSource_2, ...DataSource_n)

For example:
Id: 27784, Name: Audit log, Type: string, Description: A data source mapping to test the audit log, DataSources: (ds1, ds2)

Update API CredentialsAppears when a VCC administrator or permitted supervisor updates their API credentials. For information, see API Credentials.

Id: APICredentialsID, Name: APICredentialsName, Scopes: (Scope_1, Scope_2, ...Scope_n)

For example:
Id: 97aa773a-89c0-496c-819d-31badc969e03, Name: Audit log credentials, Scopes: (agents-availability:read, interaction-content:delete, interactions:write)

Update Applet

Appears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor updates an existing applet in Interaction Plans Architect. The data that appears varies according to the applet updated. Updates to some applet types are not recorded.

For example, the values in many of the fields in an ACD applet are recorded and displayed.

For information, see Editing an applet.

AppletName - InteractionPlanName (Id: InteractionPlanID) - AdditionalInformation

For example:
NewACDApplet - TechAuthor interaction plan (Id: 6c5b49ec-0b35-4c4f-b599-b2b0ebff3e50) - Queue Timeout: 600

Update Callback NumbersAppears when a VCC admin or supervisor uploads a modified csv file of callback numbers. For information, see Configuring names for callback numbers.

Updated NoOfUpdatedNumbers of TotalCallbackNumbers callback numbers

For example:
Updated 3 of 5 callback numbers

Update Interaction PlanAppears when a VCC admin or supervisor updates an interaction plan. For information, see Using Interaction Plans Manager.

Id: InteractionPlanID Name: InteractionPlanName

For example:
Id: 9fb185fb-7638-47a4-ae29-fd96662f6e44 Name: Technical Author plan

Update Interaction Plan MappingAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor updates an interaction plan mapping in Interaction Plans Manager. For information, see Using Interaction Plans Manager.

Id: InteractionPlanMapping ID Name: InteractionPlanMappingName Plan: InteractionPlanID

For example:
Id: e8ddf3bf-5186-40c6-9f4b-8976cd898098 Name: TechAuthor mapping Plan: 301b6d3e-d5ac-471a-9a72-fc6b5883e7a2

Update user details

Appears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor updates a user

in the User Access module. For information about updating users, see Creating a new user.

UserName Name Email UserType ChargeableStatus

UserType is one of the following values:

  • Reseller (2)
  • Customer (3)

For example:

JoeS Joe Smith

's name, email address, or license in User Admin. For information, see Configuring individual users.

titleLicense change

A change of license — from admin to agent, for example — is not noted in the Data column.

titleUsers linked to multiple accounts

The action appears in the audit log of all accounts the user is linked to, not just the account the user's details were changed in. 

UserName Email CustomerType Chargeable

For example:


Customer True

Update user email

Appears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor updates

a user's email address in User Access. For information, see Editing a user.

a user's email address in User Admin. For information, see Configuring individual users.

titleUsers linked to multiple accounts

The action appears in the audit log of all accounts the user is linked to, not just the account the email address was changed in.

UserName OldEmail NewEmail

For example:

Update user password

Appears when a VCC user resets their password through the forgotten password system, or sets it for the first time after receiving a welcome email. For information, see Logging in to ContactPad.

titleUsers linked to multiple accounts

The action appears in the audit log of all accounts the user is linked to, not just the account the user's password was reset in. 

UserName reset their password using forgotten password email


UserName set their password using welcome email

For example:
HelenG set their password using welcome email

Update user SSO external ID

Appears when a VCC supervisor updates a user's external ID. For information, see Configuring

individual users.

individual users.

titleUsers linked to multiple accounts

The action appears in the audit log of all accounts the user is linked to, not just the account the email ID was changed in. 

UserName 'NewExternalID'

For example:
JoeS ''

updategroupAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor updates a group. For information, see Configuring groups.


For example:
All agents:354353:30:30

UpdatePostCallNamedRouteAppears when a VCC admin or permitted supervisor updates the post-call named route for an interaction plan. For information, see Setting post-call named route.


For example:
9fb185fb-7638-47a4-ae29-fd96662f6e44:Post-call interaction plan


-47a4-ae29-fd96662f6e44:Post-call interaction plan

User perm changeAppears when a VCC supervisor edits a user's account permissions. For information about editing account permissions, see Configuring admin and supervisor feature permissions.

user:UserName/acc:AccountName FieldChanged NewValue

NewValue can be one of three values:

  • 0—no
  • 1—yes
  • 2—read
  • 3—modify
  • (to default)—the value was changed to the default value for that field

For example:

user:JoeS/acc:SalesAccount SCS_SupervisorMonitoring (to default)User role changeAppears when a VCC supervisor edits a profile in the Stats and Reports modulechanges a user's role. For information about editing a profile, see Creating a profile.

ProfileName: ServiceNumbersAndNamedRouteUIDs: :ProfileType

ServiceNumbersAndNamedRouteUIDs is a comma-separated list of the service numbers and named route IDs on which the profile's report will run. A named route UID is the internal name given to a named route when it is created. The UID consists of the account name, a dash, and the number of the route (routes are numbered in order of creation).

For example:

NewProfile: 01569310420, 01886889606, SalesAccount-1, SalesAccount-2::SummaryUser perm changechanging users' roles, see Configuring admin and supervisor feature permissions.user: UserName to UserRole on Acc: AccountName

For example:

user: JoeS to Normal User on Acc: SalesAccountVBC Identity Link CreatedAppears when a VCC supervisor links a VCC agent with their VBC user. For information, see Configuring Vonage Contact Center and Vonage Business Communications integration.

AgentId: AgentID VbcUsername: VBCUsername

For example:
AgentId: 110 VbcUsername: helen.griffith

VBC Identity Link DeletedAppears when a VCC supervisor edits a user's account permissionsdeletes a link from a VCC agent to their VBC user. For information about editing account permissions, see Editing linked account permissions.

user:UserName/acc:AccountName FieldChanged NewValue

NewValue can be one of three values:
  • 0—no
  • 1—yes
  • 2—read
  • 3—modify
  • (to default)—the value was changed to the default value for that field
, see Configuring Vonage Contact Center and Vonage Business Communications integration.

AgentId: AgentID VbcUsername: VBCUsername

For example:

user:JoeS/acc:SalesAccount SCS_SupervisorMonitoring (to default)User role change

AgentId: 110 VbcUsername: helen.griffith

VCC to MST Default Presence Mappings RestoredAppears when a VCC admin or supervisor changes a user's roleuser resets VCC and Microsoft Teams presence mappings to the default mappings. For information about changing users' roles, see Editing linked account permissions.user: UserName to UserRole on Acc: AccountName

For example:

user: JoeS to Normal User on Acc: SalesAccountVBC Identity Link Created, see Using Vonage Contact Center and Microsoft Teams.Default presence mappings from VCC to MS Teams have been restored.VCC to MST Presence Mapping ChangedAppears when a VCC supervisor links a VCC agent with their VBC useradmin or supervisor user updates the mapping between a VCC and a Microsoft Teams presence. For information, see Configuring Using Vonage Contact Center and Vonage Business Communications integration.AgentId: AgentID VbcUsername: VBCUsernameMicrosoft Teams.

VCC presence with ID VCCPresenceID was mapped to MS Teams presence with ID TeamsPresenceID.

For example:
VCC presence with ID 6e72e465-2ba2-4d2b-8b23-ee7ecd26f65c was mapped to MS Teams presence with ID a3bc03da-4ac0-43ae-b5be-8fa51c73babb.

Webhooks subscription createdAppears when a VCC admin user creates a new webhooks subscription.

Id: SubscriptionID, Name: SubscriptionName, Enabled: True/False

For example:
AgentId: 110 VbcUsername: helen.griffith

VBC Identity Link Deleted

Id: 2VcZtWEP6ewABPlYLcuFW3CV574, Name: MySubscription, Enabled: True

Webhooks subscription changedAppears when a VCC supervisor deletes a link from a VCC agent to their VBC user. For information, see Configuring Vonage Contact Center and Vonage Business Communications integration.

AgentId: AgentID VbcUsername: VBCUsername

For example:
AgentId: 110 VbcUsername: helen.griffith

VCC to MST Default Presence Mappings RestoredAppears when a VCC admin or supervisor user resets VCC and Microsoft Teams presence mappings to the default mappings. For information, see Using Vonage Contact Center and Microsoft Teams.Default presence mappings from VCC to MS Teams have been restored.VCC to MST Presence Mapping Changedadmin user changes a webhooks subscription.

Id: SubscriptionID, Name: SubscriptionName, Enabled: True/False, Properties Changed: (Properties)

Properties is a comma-separated list of subscription properties that were changed. Possible properties are Name, Url, Events, Enabled, Secret

For example:
Id: 2VcZtWEP6ewABPlYLcuFW3CV574, Name: MySubscription, Enabled: False, Properties Changed: (Enabled, Events, Name, Url)

Webhooks subscription deletedAppears when a VCC admin or supervisor user updates the mapping between a VCC and a Microsoft Teams presence. For information, see Using Vonage Contact Center and Microsoft Teams.

VCC presence with ID VCCPresenceID was mapped to MS Teams presence with ID TeamsPresenceID.

For example:
VCC presence with ID 6e72e465-2ba2-4d2b-8b23-ee7ecd26f65c was mapped to MS Teams presence with ID a3bc03da-4ac0-43ae-b5be-8fa51c73babb.user deletes a webhooks subscription.

Id: SubscriptionID, Name: SubscriptionName

For example:
Id: 2VcZtWEP6ewABPlYLcuFW3CV574, Name: MySubscription