Renaming an applet

Renaming an applet

Applets are the building blocks of your interaction plan.

To rename an existing applet, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Architect (within Interaction Plans). For information on accessing Interaction Plans Architect, see Accessing Interaction Plans Architect.
  2. In the Interaction Plan Configuration section, optionally filter the list of available interaction plans. Select the interaction plan that contains the applet you want to rename. Click Display Selection.
    The Applet List, Applet Manager, Transfer Manager, and Service and Visualization areas appear in the Interaction Plan Directory section.
  3. Alongside Applet Manager, click Show.
    The Applet Manager area expands.

  4. To rename an applet, in the Rename Existing Applet list, select the applet you want to rename. In Rename this Applet, type a unique name for the applet.
  5. Click Rename. The applet is renamed.
    If the applet is currently being used to route interactions, an error message may appear and your applet cannot be renamed at this time. Try again after the applet has finished being used to route interactions.

Queue names in Dashboards

Dashboards presents ACD and UCD applet names as queue names in interaction details widgets. If you rename such an applet, Dashboards considers the renamed applet as a new queue.

If you include the Queue metric in an interaction details widget, the metric contains the name of the applet at the time of the displayed interaction. The names may therefore be different for different interactions even if those interactions went to the same applet.
If you filter data in such a widget by queues, you will need to reconfigure that widget to include the updated queue name.

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