Editing Configuration (Account Settings)
How do I configure basic Vonage Contact Center settings?
Within the Configuration area of the Vonage Contact Center (VCC) Admin Portal you can perform the following tasks:
Set PIN numbers for the telephone numbers associated with your account.
You need a PIN number to change your interaction plan remotely. For information about changing your interaction plan, see Changing the active interaction plan remotely.- Configure various outbound call settings
- Set an account's location and the default display format for telephone numbers
- Set an account's API key
- Generate an account's API authentication token
- Configure integration with Skype for Business
- Specify emergency numbers
You can also access the Passwords, Short Codes, Single Sign-On, Licences, Agent States, Emergency Numbers configuration, and Post Call Quality Rating areas. For more information about these areas, see Configuring password policy, Configuring short codes, Configuring single sign-on, Configuring licenses, Configuring agent states, Configuring emergency numbers, and Configuring post call quality rating.
The full list of options is described in detail in this section.
To edit Configuration, perform the following tasks:
Log in to the VCC Admin Portal and go to Configuration (within Account Settings). Configuration appears.
Click the Home tab and provide the following information:
Section Field Description Interaction plan PIN A PIN is required to change the interaction plan remotely. Most likely used in a disaster situation.
Interaction plan The interaction plan for which you want to change the PIN. The list contains the numbers available in your account. PIN The PIN you must provide when required.
You need a PIN number to change your interaction plan remotely. For information about changing your interaction plan, see Changing the active interaction plan remotely.
Transfer settings Transfer string limit length The length of an applet transfer string and the maximum length of a short code. The default length is 4.
For information about applet transfer strings, see Configuring applet transfer strings.
For information about short codes, see Configuring short codes.
Transfer wrap time (seconds) The time in seconds that an agent spends in Wrap Up (Auto) after transferring a call. Transfer wrap time (seconds) is an account-level setting.
The default value is 5.
Outbound settings Outbound time-out (seconds, maximum 180) When an agent makes an outbound call, VCC tries to connect the agent to the target agent, short code, queue, and interaction plan for the number of seconds you specify in Outbound time-out. The default is 15 seconds.
Outbound wrap time (seconds) When an agent completes a call, they go into the Wrap Up (Auto) state after making an outbound call for the number of seconds you specify in Outbound wrap time. The default is 180 seconds. The agent can use this time to make notes about the previous call, for example. Post wrap state/Post call state After the agent leaves the Wrap Up (Auto) state at the end of a completed call, the agent goes into the state that you specify in Post wrap state/Post call state.
Available options are:
- Ready
- Ready (Offline)
Leave Unchanged. The agent goes back into their pre-call state when they complete their outbound call.
Salesforce only
This option works only with calls made using Click to dial or Connect in Salesforce. If an agent makes an outbound call using the Make Call button in ContactPad, they go into Ready (Offline) state when they complete the call.
The default is Ready. For information about agent states, see Configuring agent states.
Consult settings No answer time-out (seconds, maximum 180) When an agent clicks to consult with a third-party during a call, VCC attempts to connect the call to the specified agent or telephone number. VCC attempts to connect the call for the number of seconds you specify in No answer time-out. The default is 45 seconds. After this time the consult times out and an error message appears in ContactPad. Allowed values are in inclusive range from 5 seconds to 180 seconds. Interaction capacities Interaction capacities indicate the percentage of an agent's capacity used by each interaction type. You can configure these percentages at account level here or, if enabled for your account, for individual agents in User Admin. For information about configuring capacity used by different interaction types, see the How do I set interaction capacity for an agent user? section in Configuring individual users.
Field Value Live (e.g. Phone) [51-100] 51 Non-Live (e.g. Case) [1-100] 20 Semi-Live (e.g. Chat) [1-100] 33 Using the values above, an agent can work on the following combinations of interactions at the same time:
- One live and two non-live (51% + 40% = 91% capacity)
- One live and one semi-live (51% + 33% = 81% capacity)
- One semi-live and three non-live (33% + 60% = 93% capacity)
- Two semi-live and one non-live (66% + 20% = 86% capacity)
- Five non-live (100% capacity)
- Three semi-live (99% capacity)
Live interactions (such as calls)[51-100] The percentage of an agent's capacity used by a live interaction, such as a phone call.
Default value is 100.
The minimum agent capacity used by a live interactions is 51. This minimum ensures that an agent can never simultaneously work on multiple live interactions. The agent can, however, work on semi- or non-live interactions while working on a live interaction. The number and type of other interactions depends on the percentage of agent capacity used by other interaction types.If you try to set live interaction capacity to a value lower than 51, you get an error message and are not able to save your settings.
Semi-live interactions (such as chats)[1-100] The percentage of an agent's capacity used by a semi-live interaction, such as a webchat.
Default value is 100 or 33, depending on your account settings.
If set to 100 and an agent is working on a semi-live interaction, the agent cannot work on any other interactions as the semi-live interaction will use up all their capacity.
Non-live interactions (such as cases)[1-100] The percentage of an agent's capacity used by a non-live interaction, such as an email.
Default value is 100 or 25, depending on your account settings.
If set to 100 and an agent is working on a non-live interaction, the agent cannot work on any other interactions as the non-live interaction will use up all their capacity.Optimum load Optimum load The ideal capacity that an agent's assigned interactions should consume. VCC preferentially routes interactions to agents whose assigned interactions consume closest to but less than their optimum load.
Default value is 65.
Maximum idle time Maximum time that agents able to handle interactions can be idle. An idle agent is one that is available but not working on any interactions. If any potential agents have been idle for longer than the configured time, VCC temporarily disables optimum load and routes the interactions accordingly.
Default value is 30 minutes.
IT contacts For information about configuring callback numbers, see Configuring IT contacts for your account. Account location Location The location of the call center. Number display format The format in which VCC displays phone numbers, for example, in ContactPad. The setting also affects the display of callback numbers for calls routed by the Call Connect Router applet. Numbers in Salesforce when using VCC in Salesforce also use this setting. For information on where this format is used in VCC in Salesforce, see Telephone number formats in Vonage Contact Center in Salesforce.
Display formats for phone numbers
Where applicable, how phone numbers are displayed in VCC depends on the value of Number display format.
National format
Phone numbers appear in national format if the number belongs to the user's country as defined in Location. Numbers from other countries appear in the international format.
For example, phone number 01234567890 belongs to the United Kingdom. If the user's Location is set to United Kingdom, the number will be displayed as 01234567890. If Location is set to any other value, the number will be displayed as +441234567890. Phone numbers from any other country appear in international format.
International format
All phone numbers are displayed in international format.
Phone numbers in international format include:
- a + sign to indicate that the number is international
- a country code, such as 44
- a region code, such as 1234
- an extension number, such as 567890
Phone numbers in international format work internationally.
For example, phone number 01234567890 belongs to the United Kingdom. The number will appear as +441234567890 regardless of the value of Location for the user.
Region The host, or cloud, that your VCC account is in. Some features require you to know the cloud your account is in and not just the region.
You cannot edit the value of Region.Your location API authentication token Key You will need your account key to use the various VCC APIs. For information on APIs, see Vonage Contact Center APIs. You will also need to provide an API authentication token. If you do not have a record of this token, you must click Generate token to generate a new token.
If you generate a new token, any previous tokens will no longer work. You must update old tokens to the new token value.Feature permissions Various If account feature control is enabled for your account, the features that you can control appear as check boxes. Select the check box or check boxes of the features you want to enable for your account. For more information, see Controlling features for your account. Callback numbers (bulk)/(single) For information about configuring callback numbers, see Configuring names for callback numbers. Skype For Business For information about configuring integration with Skype for Business, see Configuring integration with Skype for Business. To save your changes, you must click Update in that section to save your changes.
From the Configuration page, you can use the tabs at the top of the page to access the Passwords, Single Sign-On, Licences, Short Codes, Agent States and Emergency Numbers configuration areas. For more information about these areas, see Configuring password policy, Configuring single sign-on, Configuring licenses, Configuring short codes, Configuring agent states and Configuring emergency numbers.
- Controlling features for your account
- Configuring password policy
- Configuring integration with Skype for Business
- Configuring IT contacts for your account
- Configuring single sign-on
- Configuring licenses
- Configuring short codes
- Configuring agent states
- Configuring names for callback numbers
- Getting your client credentials from the Vonage Contact Center Admin Portal
- Configuring emergency numbers
- Configuring post call quality rating
- Configuring enforced disposition codes