Call recording
Vonage Contact Center (VCC) can record all inbound and outbound calls. You can configure the call recording settings for your account or even individual calls.
Call recording restrictions may be subject to local regulations. If in doubt, notify callers that you intend to record the conversation and obtain their express permission to do so.
Inbound call recording
Configure rules for inbound call recording within your individual interaction plans—for example, you might configure one interaction plan to record all calls, another to record a percentage of calls, another to record calls from specific callers, and another to record calls based on specific options on a menu.
For information on configuring call recording, see Call Recording applet.
Outbound call recording
Outbound call recordings are controlled by an account-wide setting, meaning that all outbound calls by all agents are treated the same; outbound calls are either recorded or not. Contact your account manager to enable or disable outbound call recordings.
Recording of third-party transfers
During a call that is being recorded, the agent can transfer the call to an external third-party. When the agent hangs up, leaving the original customer and third-party to continue the call, the call recording continues. External third-party
Contact your account manager to configure call recordings to stop when an agent transfers the call to a third-party.
Call recording control in ContactPad
If call recording control is enabled for your account, all agents in your account can stop (pause) and start (resume) a call recording during a call using a button in ContactPad.
For information about using the call recording button in ContactPad, see Pausing and resuming call recording in ContactPad.
If you need greater flexibility over the recording of calls (usually for regulatory reasons), request that admin users can determine which agents can pause and resume call recordings.
For information about configuring which agents can pause and resume call recordings, see Configuring individual users.
Accessing recordings
When a call is recorded, the recording is stored in VCC. For information about finding and listening to recordings, see Interaction Content.
Agent-only call recording
The agent-only call recording feature results in VCC recording only the agents involved in a call. The recorded agents include the original agent, a consulted agent (or supervisor), an agent (or supervisor) to which the call is transferred, and any agent (or supervisor) who is added to a conference call. The caller, or customer, is NOT recorded.
A consulted phone number is never recorded, even if the phone number is the number of an agent. To ensure that the consulted agent is recorded, click to select the required agent from the list of agents rather than type in their telephone number. For information about different ways to consult an agent, see Working with an inbound call.
Agent-only call recording is available for both inbound and outbound calls. The feature is available at account level—you cannot apply the feature to individual calls. Contact Vonage to enable agent-only call recording.
Recording of third-party transfers
During a call that is being recorded, the agent can transfer the call to a third-party. When the agent hangs up, leaving the customer and third-party to continue the call, by default, the call recording continues. Contact your account manager to configure call recordings to stop when an agent transfers the call to a third-party. External third-party
Automatic pause and resume recording
By default, when an agent puts a call—which is being recorded—on hold, or consults with a third-party, VCC continues to record the call. If enabled for your account, the agent can choose to manually pause and resume the recording before and after putting the call on hold or consulting with a third-party.
What happens when an agent puts a call on hold?
If the auto pause and resume recordings when going on and off hold feature is enabled for your account, when an agent puts a call on hold, VCC automatically pauses recording the call. When the agent retrieves the call, VCC automatically resumes the recording.
'Auto pause and resume recordings when going on and off hold' scenarios
In all the following scenarios, a call is in progress and is being recorded.
The agent manually pauses the call
If an agent manually pauses a call recording, VCC never automatically resumes that call recording. The agent must manually resume the recording if required.
The agent clicks to consult while on the call
When an agent clicks to consult while on a call, VCC does not automatically pause the recording. The recording continues while the agent is consulting.
If the agent puts the call on hold before clicking to consult, VCC automatically pauses the recording. The recording remains paused until the agent retrieves the call. When the agent retrieves the call, VCC automatically resumes the recording.
The agent alternates between the consulted third party and the caller, or adds the consulted third party to a conference
If the agent puts the call on hold before clicking to consult, VCC automatically pauses the recording. The agent can alternate between the consulted party and the caller any number of times, or add the consulted party to a conference. The recording remains paused until the agent retrieves the call. When the agent retrieves the call, VCC automatically resumes the recording.
The agent transfers the call to the consulted third party
If the agent puts the call on hold before clicking to consult, VCC automatically pauses the recording. The recording remains paused until the agent transfers the call. When the agent transfers the call, VCC automatically resumes the recording, unless the agent transfers the call to a third party who is not a VCC agent.
What happens when an agent consults with a third-party, adds a third-party to a conference, or transfers a call to a third-party?
Inbound calls only
This feature works with inbound calls only.
If the auto pause and resume recording during consults, conferences, and transfers feature is enabled for your account, when an agent consults with an external third-party, VCC automatically pauses recording the call. When agent ends the consult, VCC automatically resumes the recording.
Recording remains paused if the agent adds the external party to a conference or transfers the call to the external party. External third-party
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