Payments in Vonage Contact Center

Payments in Vonage Contact Center

Depending on which features are enabled for your account, Vonage Contact Center allows you to take payments from customers in various ways.

Payment service providers (PSPs)

Some PSPs are not compatible with the payment methods documented here. In some cases, this is because they require your agents to initiate and manage payments using the PSP's user interface instead of ContactPad.

If your PSP prevents you using the payment methods exactly as described, you may still be able to use a bespoke configuration for taking payments with VCC. For information about setting up and using a bespoke configuration, contact your account manager.

Using ContactPad

If enabled, a payment button appears in ContactPad. An agent can click the payment button to start a secure payment session. The payment session is PCI-DSS compliant and provided by PCI Pal.

Two different payment session types are available:

  • Agent assist secure payments. Using an agent assist secure payment, the agent clicks a payment button in ContactPad during a call. The call is transferred to PCI Pal, a secure platform. The caller types their card details using their telephone keypad.
  • Digital secure payments. Using digital secure payments, the agent clicks a payment button in ContactPad during a call. The agent then sends a link to a payment page to the caller in an SMS message. The caller types their card details into a form on the payment page. The caller can make a payment using the payment link for up to 72 hours after the call is finished.

For more information see Payments in ContactPadTaking payments in ContactPad, and Taking payments in ContactPad using the payment button.

Using an interaction plan (self-service secure payments)

If enabled, you can create an interaction plan that takes payment details from a caller using their telephone keypad without connecting the caller to an agent. For more information, see IVR Secure Payments solution and Creating a call plan for the IVR Secure Payments solution.

Using Vonage's Payment API

If enabled, you can implement your own solution for taking payments during a call. For more information see Payments in ContactPad.

Support and documentation feedback

For general assistance, please contact Customer Support.

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