Voicemail drop in ContactPad

Voicemail drop in ContactPad

If an outbound call is answered by voicemail or an answering machine, ContactPad's voicemail drop feature enables agents to automatically leave a prerecorded message while you continue with other tasks.

Agents can also drop a voice message when they are connected to a live person if they are giving the same information to everyone that they call. The call will end as soon as the voice message is dropped.

If enabled for your account, agents can upload or record up to 50 voice messages.

The maximum length of an uploaded message is 5 minutes and it must be in WAV format with the .wav extension. The message must be recorded using a sample rate of 8 kHz.
The maximum length of a message recorded using ContactPad is 1 minute.

When making an outbound call, if the agent is connected to a voicemail, answering machine, or a customer, the agent can choose which message to drop. The agent can then hang up their phone. The outbound call continues until the message has finished playing and then disconnects.

For information about using voicemail drop, see Using voicemail drop in ContactPad.

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