Warning and error messages in ContactPad
Warning and error messages in ContactPad
The following table includes all the warning and error messages that can appear in ContactPad. Messages may appear automatically in toasts or when the agent clicks a warning or error icon.
Warning | Description | Warning or error? | Type | Location |
An error occurred saving settings. | Agent clicked to save ContactPad settings which resulted in an error | Error | Miscellaneous | ContactPad toast |
Couldn't send report. Please try again. | Agent tried to send an audio or application problem report | Warning | Miscellaneous | ContactPad toast |
Failed to drop Voicemail. | Agent tried to leave a voice message | Error | Voicemail drop | ContactPad toast |
Failed to log a call | Agent tried to set a disposition code with or without a note | Error | Miscellaneous | ContactPad toast |
Failed to release channel. | Agent tried to release a call (non-WebRTC) | Error | Releasing interaction | ContactPad toast |
Failed to release interaction. | Agent tried to release a call (non-WebRTC). They may need to abandon the call instead. For information about abandoning a call, see Abandoning calls in Making and receiving calls in ContactPad. | Error | Releasing interaction | ContactPad toast |
Skype login required Click here to connect | Agent must log in to Skype for Business to synchronize ContactPad and Skype states. For more information, see Synchronizing ContactPad state with Skype for Business presence. | Warning | Integration issue | ContactPad toast |
Unable to copy link | Agent tried to copy meeting link to their clipboard. For information, see Using video and sharing your screen. | Error | Video meetings | ContactPad toast |
Video failed | Agent tries to creating a video call room. For information, see Using video and sharing your screen. | Error | Video meetings | ContactPad toast |
Voicemail delete failed | Agent tried to delete a voice message for voicemail drop | Error | Voicemail drop | ContactPad toast |
Voicemail messages could not be retreived | issue with voicemaildrop sdk | Error | Voicemail drop | ContactPad toast |
Voicemail update failed | Agent tried to update a voice message for voicemail drop | Error | Voicemail drop | ContactPad toast |
Voicemail upload failed | Agent tried to upload a voice message for voicemail drop | Error | Voicemail drop | ContactPad toast |
Your Microsoft Teams account link is inactive. Relink your account in Microsoft Teams in Business Apps. | Microsoft Teams account link is inactive. Agent's administrator needs relink the account in Microsoft Teams in Business Apps in the Vonage Contact Center admin portal. | Warning | Integration issue | ContactPad toast |
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