Rating call quality in ContactPad
If the Post Call Quality Rating feature is enabled for your account, you can rate the audio quality of a call directly in ContactPad using a five point opinion score:
Bad (1)
Poor (2)
Fair (3)
Good (4)
Excellent (5)
Each score is represented by a respective facial expression emoticon.
Rating a call is available during Wrap Up time only, when the call has finished.
For more information, see Post Call Quality Rating in ContactPad.
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Optional call rating
If optional call quality rating is enabled for your account, a Rate Call button appears on the information panel in ContactPad. The button is active only when you have released a call and are in Wrap Up state.
To rate a call, click the button. Rate Call (Audio Quality) appears. Select your opinion score and click Confirm. If you do not want to rate this particular call, click the cross icon in the top-right corner.
If Wrap up time passes, and you do not confirm your rating, Rate Call (Audio Quality) closes and no rating is added.
Mandatory call rating
If mandatory call quality rating is enabled for your account, you are not able to click the Rate Call button on the information panel in ContactPad. Instead, when you release a call and go into Wrap Up state, Rate Call (Audio Quality) appears automatically. You stay in Wrap Up state until you select a score and click Confirm. The cross icon is not available.
If you do not go into Wrap Up state at the end of a call, you cannot rate calls using the Post Call Quality Rating feature.
For general assistance, please contact Customer Support.
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