Agent states in Agent Workspace

Agent Workspace displays an agent's presence state in the top banner, alongside quick settings, the app selector, and the agent's avatar.

Presence states

If the agent is in a presence state other than ready, a timer appears alongside the state. The timer indicates how long the agent has been in that state.

Presence state timer

In this page

Presence states

An agent's presence state indicates the agent's current working state and their availability for new interactions. There are four presence state categories in Vonage Contact Center (VCC): ready, away, extended away, and logged out. Within these categories are several default presence states. Admins or supervisors can also create custom presence states. For information about creating presence states in VCC, see Configuring agent states.

Presence state categories and default presence states

Presence categoryPresence stateDescription
AwayAwayBoth a presence state and a default presence category. Indicates that an agent is temporarily unavailable. VCC includes any short break from work, such as a comfort break, within the away category.


A default presence state within the away presence category. Indicates that an agent has taken a short break, most commonly scheduled.

Comfort break

A default presence state within the away presence category. Indicates that an agent has taken a short break, most commonly unscheduled.

Extended away

Extended away

Both a presence state and a presence category in VCC represent longer periods of unavailability. Indicates that an agent cannot handle interactions for extended periods, such as during lunch breaks or meetings.

In meeting

A default presence state within the extended away presence category. Indicates that an agent is in a meeting.


A default presence state within the extended away presence category. Indicates that an agent is on their lunch break.


A default presence state within the extended away presence category. Indicates that an agent is working on paperwork outside of handling interactions.

Team meeting

A default presence state within the extended away presence category. Indicates that an agent is in a team meeting.


A default presence state within the extended away presence category. Indicates that an agent is undertaking training.

Logged out

Logged out

Both a presence state and a presence category in VCC. Indicates that an agent is not logged into Agent Workspace and that the agent has no availability to handle interactions.

A user can be authenticated and logged in to the VCC admin portal but be in a logged-out presence state in Agent Workspace.



Both a presence state and a presence category in VCC. Indicates that an agent is available and prepared to handle interactions.

Ready offline

A default presence state within the ready presence category. Indicates that an agent is available to make outbound calls or participate in consults, but is not currently available to handle inbound interactions. This presence state helps manage agent availability more granularly, ensuring the agent can focus on outbound tasks when required.

Ready outbound

A default presence state within the ready presence category. Indicates that an agent is available solely for making outbound calls. Unlike ready (offline), where agents can be consulted, the ready outbound presence state indicates that an agent's availability is exclusively dedicated to outbound calls. This can be useful in outbound campaign scenarios or situations where an agent's role is primarily to make outbound calls.

An agent's presence state appears in the color of its presence category. The agent can select their presence state at any time. For information about changing presence state, see Changing presence states in Agent Workspace.

Presence picker

Most frequently used states

If there are 12 or fewer presence states in your account, all states in your account appear in the list.
If there are more than 12 available presence states, the 8 that the agent uses most frequently will appear in the list. The states appear in order of frequency, with the most frequently used at the top of the list. All states are available if the agent clicks Show all states.

 Most frequently selected states

Intended presence states

When an agent is involved in one or more interactions, they can select an intended presence state — an intended presence state is the presence state the agent will be in when they have finished working with all their interactions.  

If an agent selects an intended presence state while working on one or more interactions, their actual state does not change immediately. Their intended presence state appears in Agent Workspace with an icon  indicating it is an intended presence state and not their actual state.

Intended presence state

When the agent finishes working with their interactions, including any wrap time, their state changes to their intended presence state and the intended presence state icon is replaced by a timer.

State after wrap

The State after wrap setting in a UCD applet determines the agent's state after wrap. This setting overrides the intended state set while working on interactions routed by that UCD. This does not apply if State after wrap is set to Leave unchanged.

 For information, see Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) or Universal Contact Distributor (UCD) applet.

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