Configuring Customer 360 in the Insights panel in Agent Workspace

Configuring Customer 360 in the Insights panel in Agent Workspace

If enabled for your account, you can integrate your Vonage Contact Center (VCC) account with enabled customer relationship management (CRM) systems. You can then enable Agent Workspace agents to access the CRMs so they can retrieve, create, and update data in those systems using the insights panel in Agent Workspace. For information about the insights panel, see Customer 360 in the Insights panel in Agent Workspace.

To integrate your account with CRM systems, perform the following steps:

  • Link your VCC account with CRM systems

  • (Optional) Configure the linked CRM systems for your VCC account

To enable agents to access the CRMs in the insights panel, follow the steps described in the Enabling agents to use the integrated CRMs in the insights panel section later in this page.

In this page

Integrating your VCC account with CRM systems

Link your VCC account with CRM systems

When your VCC account has been set up to use applicable CRM systems, you must link your VCC account to those CRM systems. Linking the accounts authorizes the account to use the CRM systems and data within. When your VCC account is linked (authorized), your agents can authorize their agent accounts with the CRM systems enabling them to retrieve, create, and update data from the CRM system using the insights panel in Agent Workspace.

To link your VCC account to a CRM system, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to VCC. For information about logging in to VCC, see Logging in to the Vonage Contact Center Admin Portal.

  2. Go to CRM Admin (within Business Apps). CRM Admin appears. If you cannot see CRM Admin, contact support.

  3. Sections for each available CRM system appear. If you cannot see any particular CRM systems that you think should be available, contact support.
    A CRM may be linked (authorized) or unlinked (unauthorized):

    Unlinked CRM system


    Linked CRM system

  4. To link an unlinked CRM system, click Link.
    Alternatively, you can relink an already linked CRM system. To do so, click Relink. (Relinking a CRM does not affect agents using the integration.)
    A new browser window opens.
    Log in to CRM system
  5. The contents of the new window depend on the CRM system. For example, you may be required to provide domain information before you click to log in. If required, provide this information. Click Login to CRM and follow the steps to log in to your chosen CRM system. Read the information provided and click Accept to enable VCC to access the CRM system using the provided credentials. The browser window closes.

  6. When you have finished logging in, if successful, the section for the CRM system is updated and appears as linked.
    Authorized CRM system

    You can now configure the link. For information, see the (Optional) Configure the linked CRM systems for your VCC account section later in this page.

Repeat these steps 4 and 5 for each CRM system you want to use.

Your VCC account is now linked to your chosen CRMs. You can now enable individual agents to see one or more of the CRMs in the insights panel in Agent Workspace. For information about enabling agents to use CRMs in the insights panel in Agent Workspace, see the Enabling agents to use the integrated CRMs in the insights panel later in this page.

Unlink your VCC account with CRM systems

If you no longer want to use your VCC account with a CRM system, you must unlink it. To unlink your account, click Unlink. A message appears to inform you that integration will no longer work. The CRM Admin page updates and the status of the CRM is unlinked. Any agents who were using the integration can no longer do so. If you want to relink using different CRM credentials, see the Link your VCC account with CRM systems section earlier in this page.

(Optional) Configure the linked CRM systems for your VCC account

When you have linked your VCC account with your chosen CRM systems, and if enabled for your account, you can configure which CRM system objects can be viewed, created, and updated in Agent Workspace.

To configure the linked CRM systems, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to VCC. For information about logging in to VCC, see Logging in to the Vonage Contact Center Admin Portal.

  2. Go to CRM Admin (within Business Apps). CRM Admin appears. If you cannot see CRM Admin, contact support.

  3. Alongside the CRM system you want to configure, click Configure. (If Configure is not available, your account and the CRM system are not linked and you must link your account to the CRM system first. For information, see the Link your VCC account with CRM systems section earlier in this page.) A new browser window opens containing Integration Setup for your chosen CRM system.

The Integration Setup page contains the following information:

  • On the left side of the page are lists of contacts and activities available in the CRM system.

  • On the right side of the page are the contacts and activities that appear in Agent Workspace for authorized agents.

On the Integration Setup page you can perform the following tasks:

  • Synchronize resources. See the Synchronizing resources section later in this page.

Synchronizing resources

To ensure that the Integration Setup page has up-to-date CRM system resources, click Synchronize resource list. If you want to refresh the metadata for an individual resource, click Synchronize metadata alongside the resource:

The lists and resources are synchronized.

Enabling agents to use the integrated CRMs in the insights panel

To enable an agent (or a supervisor or admin user acting as an agent) to use the integrated CRMs in the insights panel, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the VCC Admin Portal as an administrator. For information about logging in to the VCC Admin Portal, see Logging in to the Vonage Contact Center Admin Portal.
  2. Go to User Admin. For information about accessing User Admin, see Accessing and finding your way around User Admin. User Admin appears.
  3. Within User Admin, to create a new user, click Create user. If you want to enable an existing user, locate the user and click the Edit icon in its row. A new or existing user appears. Complete or, if required, update the Personal Data and Licenses sections.

    Act as agent

    In Licenses, you must select an agent, supervisor, or admin license. If you select a supervisor or admin license, you must allow them to act as an agent. For information about allowing a user to act as an agent, see the How do I allow a user to act as an agent to work with interactions? section in Configuring individual users.

    For information about required data, see Configuring individual users.

  4. Under Agent Experience within Agent Settings, click Agent Workspace. This will enable the agent to use Agent Workspace.
  5. In CRM integrations, select the CRM or CRMs you want to appear in the insights panel for the agent. Only integrated CRMs are available.

    Admin users

    CRM integrations doesn't appear for an admin user as they can see all CRMs automatically.

    If you are editing an existing admin user, you need to turn the Manage CRM integrations feature permission on for them. If the permission is already on, turn it off, click Save, and then edit the user and turn the permission back on again.

    For information about configuring feature permissions in User Admin, see Configuring admin and supervisor feature permissions.

  6. Continue creating the agent, or make any further changes if required, and then click Save to save your settings. Repeat for all agents you want to enable to use the integrated CRMs in the insights panel in Agent Workspace.

Now when the agent next goes to Agent Workspace, they can see and log in to any CRMs they are enabled to use. For information about logging in to and using CRMs, see Setting up and using Customer 360 in Agent Workspace.

Archiving and deleting users

When you enable a user to access one or more integrated CRMs, a record of their permitted CRMs is created in Vonage's integration platform.

Archiving a user removes their access to specific CRMs from their record in the platform. If the user is reactivated, you will need to select the necessary CRMs again.

Deleting a user completely removes their record from the integration platform.

Support and documentation feedback

For general assistance, please contact Customer Support.

For help using this documentation, please send an email to docs_feedback@vonage.com. We're happy to hear from you. Your contribution helps everyone at Vonage! Please include the name of the page in your email.