Data Connector applet

Data Connector applet

The Data Connector applet retrieves data from or sends data to Salesforce, an external web service, or a client's bespoke system. This data is then available in the form of a Data Source for use in subsequent applets in the interaction plan:

Data retrieved by Data Connector applets is also available for use by Data Source Mappings. For information about Data Source Mappings, see Data Source Mappings. Data Source Mappings can subsequently make data available to Dashboards. For information about viewing mapped data source data in Dashboards, see Viewing mapped data source data in Real-time Analytics.

Vonage Contact Center uses account feature toggles to enable reading and writing of data in external sources other than Salesforce. This page describes the functionality available using the Salesforce and Web Service interfaces. For information about how to use the Data Connector with custom interfaces, please contact support.

In this page


Salesforce interfaces

 Salesforce interfaces

When using a Data Connector applet with a Salesforce interface, the applet is sometimes referred to as a Salesforce Data Connector or SFDC.

The Salesforce user that Vonage Contact Center uses to connect to Salesforce must have permission to view the required objects fields in Salesforce. Only objects and fields to which the user has access appear in the relevant sections in the Data Connector applet. For information about linking a Salesforce user with Vonage Contact Center , see Linking Vonage Contact Center to a Salesforce account.

Using the standard Salesforce interface, the Data Connector applet compares a single value that you specify—CLID, value in a previously found data source, or value entered in an IVR slot—to the value of a specified field of a specified object in Salesforce. If a match or matches are found, the applet retrieves the values of selected fields from the record or records and makes them available as Data Sources in the form Object Name | Field Name n.

For example, you can configure the applet to use an account number stored in a data source to compare to the Account Number field of an Account object in Salesforce and find one or more records. If there is a match or matches, you can specify that the applet must retrieve data from the Customer Type field on the found record or records in Salesforce.

For more information about retrieving data from Salesforce, see Retrieving data from Salesforce.

If enabled for your Vonage Contact Center account, you can also create and update object records in Salesforce using the Data Connector applet—the applet uses the values you specify to populate the fields you choose, on the record you want to create or update. After a successful creation or update the applet makes the ID of the created or updated record available for subsequent applets in a data source. For information about creating or updating Salesforce records, see Creating a Salesforce record and Updating a Salesforce record.

Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL)

Using the Salesforce interface you can use Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) to perform more complex queries to retrieve data from multiple objects, using multiple search criteria. You can retrieve almost any Salesforce data using any SOQL query that you can use in Salesforce itself. For information about using the advanced Salesforce interface, see Retrieving data from Salesforce using Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL). You cannot create Salesforce records using SOQL.

Web service interface

 Web Service interface

When using a Data Connector applet with a web service interface, the applet is sometimes referred to as a Web Service Data Connector or WSDC.

You can use the Data Connector applet to connect to an external web service and retrieve data from or send data to that web service. For information about exchanging data with a web service, see Retrieving data from and sending data to a Web Service.

You can only use this applet in an interaction plan that routes calls, and not other types of interactions.

MS Dynamics interface

 Microsoft Dynamics 365 interfaces

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 user that Vonage Contact Center uses to connect to Dynamics 365 must have permission to view the required object's fields in Dynamics 365. Only objects and fields the user has access to appear in the relevant sections in the Data Connector applet. For information about linking a Dynamics 365 user with VCC, see Linking Vonage Contact Center to a MS Dynamics account.

Using the standard Dynamics 365 interface, the Data Connector applet compares a value in a previously found data source to the value of a specified field of a specified object in Dynamics 365. If a match or matches are found, the applet retrieves the values of selected fields from the record or records and makes them available as Data Sources in the form Object Name | Field Name n.

For example, you can configure the applet to use an account number stored in a data source to compare to the Account Number field of an Account object in Dynamics 365 and find one or more records. If there is a match or matches, you can specify that the applet must retrieve data from the Customer Type field on the found record or records in Dynamics 365.

For more information about retrieving data from Dynamics 365, see Retrieving data from an integrated and linked CRM system.

If enabled for your Vonage Contact Center account, you can also create and update object records in Dynamics 365 using the Data Connector applet—the applet uses the values you specify to populate the fields you choose, on the record you want to create or update. After a successful creation or update the applet makes the ID of the created or updated record available for subsequent applets in a data source. For information about creating or updating Dynamics 365 records, see Creating a record in an integrated and linked CRM system and Updating a record in an integrated and linked CRM system.

Omni-Channel flows for SCV

 Omni-Channel flows for SCV

When using Service Cloud Voice (SCV) with Vonage Contact Center (VCC) and if enabled for your account, you can delegate routing decisions for calls into VCC to Salesforce's Omni-Channel flows. To configure this, as part of the configuration, you need to create a Data Connector applet that sends inbound calls to an Omni-Channel flow in Salesforce.

For more information about configuring VCC to use Salesforce Omni-Channel flows, see Configuring Vonage Contact Center to use Salesforce Omni-Channel flows.

Applet sections



List of available interfaces

(in most cases just Salesforce and Web Service)

The interface to use to retrieve or send data.

To interact with Salesforce, select Salesforce.
To connect to a web service, select Web Service.
To interact with Dynamics 365, select MS Dynamics.
To use Omni-Channel flows to route VCC calls, select Omni-Channel flows for SCV.

Interface FailureList of available applets

For most interfaces, the applet that the call is routed to if the applet cannot connect to the interface or the interface returns an error.

For the Web Service interface, the applet that the call is routed to if the applet cannot connect to the external API. The Data Connector applet will try to connect to the API for 10 seconds before timing out.


(The availability and content of this section is determined by which interface you choose and the features enabled for your account.)


List of operations available in the selected interface

Based on the interface, available actions to perform. Subsequent sections' content depends on the operation you choose. In the case of Salesforce or Dynamics 365, if record creation and update are available for your account, you can switch between data retrieval, data sending, and record creation and update.

To get Salesforce Data, select Get Salesforce Data. The Salesforce Match and Fields to Retrieve sections appear.

To create a Salesforce record, select Create Salesforce Record. The Create Salesforce Record section appears.

To update a Salesforce record, select Update Salesforce Record. The Update Salesforce Record section appears.

To call a web service, select Call Web Service or one of any available templates for your account.

To get Salesforce Data, select Get MS Dynamics Data. The MS Dynamics Match and Fields to Retrieve sections appear.

To create a Salesforce record, select Create MS Dynamics Record. The Create MS Dynamics Record section appears.

To update a Salesforce record, select Update MS Dynamics Record. The Update MS Dynamics Record section appears.

To get the target interaction plan name from a Salesforce Omni-Channel flow, select Get interaction plan name from Omni-Channel flow. The Data sources, Omni-Channel flow settings, and Omni-Channel flow properties sections appear.

To get the ID of the target agent from a Salesforce Omni-Channel flow, select Get agent ID from Omni-Channel flow. The Data sources, Omni-Channel flow settings, and Omni-Channel flow properties sections appear.

Use SOQLSelect, clear

Only available if you select Salesforce in the Interface list and if enabled for your account.

Select Use SOQL to use SOQL to retrieve the required Salesforce data.

For more information, see Retrieving data from Salesforce using Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL).

Interface specific fieldsVariesUse custom fields to identify the value or values that the applet must use to identify the appropriate record or records.

Record Match


Available in:

  • Salesforce interface, Get Salesforce Data action
Salesforce ObjectList of available Salesforce objectsThe Salesforce object containing the field you are comparing to and the fields you want to retrieve.
*Find Salesforce Object UsingCLID, Data Source, IVR Slot

The source of the data to use to locate the appropriate Salesforce object record.

Select CLID to use the caller's phone number to compare all phone number fields in the selected Salesforce object to find a match.

Select Data Source to use a data source to find a match in a specific Salesforce field.

The data source can be anything previously retrieved by a Data Connector, including the dialed number, the caller's number (CLID), the call's unique GUID, or the interaction's external ID (such as Call Id or Salesforce Case number depending on the type of interaction). Visibility of the external ID may depend on your account options.

Select IVR Slot to use the value stored in an IVR Slot to find a match in a specific Salesforce field.

Match Data Source or IVR SlotList of available Data Sources or IVR Slots

The specific Data Source or IVR Slot that contains the value you want to use to locate the appropriate Salesforce record.

against Salesforce FieldList of available Salesforce fieldsThe Salesforce field to use to match with the specified value to identify the required record.

*If you select Data Source in the Find Salesforce Object Using field, the list in the Match Data Source or IVR Slot field, in which you select the actual data source to use, contains both IVR slot and data source names. IVR slot names are prefixed with 'IVR Slot|'. If you want to use an IVR slot value, we recommend that you select Data Source in the Find Salesforce Object Using field and then select the IVR slot name in the Match Data Source or IVR Slot field.

MS Dynamics

Available in:

  • MS Dynamics interface, Get MS Dynamics Data action
ObjectList of available Dynamics 365 objectsThe Dynamics 365 object containing the field you are comparing to and the fields you want to retrieve.
Match Data SourceList of available Data Sources

The specific Data Source that contains the value you want to use to locate the appropriate Dynamics 365 record.

against FieldList of available Dynamics 365 fieldsThe Dynamics 365 field to use to match with the specified value to identify the required record.

Fields to Retrieve

Available in:

  • Salesforce interface, Get Salesforce Data action
  • MS Dynamics interface, Get MS Dynamics Data action
Retrieve Multiple RecordsSelect, clear

Determines whether or not to retrieve multiple records if multiple records are matched. For more information about retrieving multiple records, see the Retrieving multiple records section below.

Select Retrieve Multiple Records to retrieve multiple records.

Maximum Number to RetrieveNumber

The maximum number of records to retrieve. This field only appears if you select the Retrieve Multiple Records check box.

If more than the maximum number of records are matched, not all records are retrieved. The order in which records are retrieved is not guaranteed.

If fewer than the maximum number of records exist, then all of them are retrieved.

Add Field to RetrieveList of available fieldsSelect a field or fields to retrieve from the matched record or records.

 Retrieving multiple records

The following table shows the next applet that the call is routed to at runtime as determined by multiple record settings.

Retrieve Multiple Records?

Maximum Number to Retrieve

Number of matches

Number of records retrieved

Next applet
00No Salesforce Match/ No Match
11Successful Action
2 (or more)0Multiple Salesforce Matches/ Multiple Matches
Yes500No Salesforce Match/ No Match
Yes522Successful Action
Yes57 (or more)5Successful Action

The next table shows the data sources made available by this applet to subsequent applets. In this example, this applet retrieves Account ID and Contact ID.

Retrieve Multiple Records?

Maximum Number to Retrieve

Data Source choices in Data Source fields in subsequent applets
Contact | Account ID 
Contact | Contact ID

Contact | Account ID 01
Contact | Account ID 02
Contact | Account ID 03
Contact | Account ID 04
Contact | Account ID 05
Contact | Contact ID 01
Contact | Contact ID 02
Contact | Contact ID 03
Contact | Contact ID 04
Contact | Contact ID 05
Contact | Record Count 

Create Record


Available in:

  • Salesforce interface, Create Salesforce Record action

You must also have this feature enabled for your account.

For information about creating Salesforce records, see Creating a Salesforce record.

ObjectList of available Salesforce objects

The Salesforce object that you want to create.

Select the name of the object to create. Add Field appears.

Add FieldList of fields available for the selected object

The field in the Salesforce object that you want to populate.

Select the name of the field. The field is added to a table. Source Type and Source appear.

If the selected Salesforce object contains one or more mandatory fields with no default values, you must provide values. If you do not provide a value for each of the mandatory fields, when you click Update, an error message or messages appear.

Use Add Field to add as many fields as you want to populate. Each time you select the name of a field a new row is added to the table with corresponding Source Type and Source fields.

Source TypeData Source, IVR Slot

The type of the source that contains the information you want to populate the field with.

Select Data Source to get the information from the data source that you select in Source.

The data source can be anything previously retrieved by a Data Connector, including the dialed number, the caller's number (CLID), or the call's unique GUID.

Select IVR Slot to get the information from the IVR Slot that you select in Source.

SourceList of available data sources or IVR Slots

The specific source of the information you want to populate the field with.

Select the data source or IVR Slot.

*If you select Data Source in the Source Type field, the list in the Source field, in which you select the actual data source to use, contains both IVR slot and data source names. IVR slot names are prefixed with 'IVR Slot|'. If you want to use an IVR slot value, we recommend that you select Data Source in the Source Type field and then select the IVR slot name in the Source field.

MS Dynamics

Available in:

  • MS Dynamics interface, Create MS Dynamics Record action

You must also have this feature enabled for your account.

For information about creating Dynamics 365 records, see Creating a record in an integrated and linked CRM system.

ObjectList of available Dynamics 365 objects

The Dynamics 365 object that you want to create.

Select the name of the object to create. Add Field appears.

Add FieldList of fields available for the selected object

The field in the Dynamics 365 object that you want to populate.

Select the name of the field. The field is added to a table. Source appear.

If the selected Dynamics 365 object contains one or more mandatory fields, you must provide values. If you do not provide a value for each of the mandatory fields, when you click Update, an error message or messages appear.

Use Add Field to add as many fields as you want to populate. Each time you select the name of a field a new row is added to the table with corresponding Source field.

SourceList of available data sources

The specific source of the information you want to populate the field with.

Select the data source.

Update Record


Available in:

  • Salesforce interface, Update Salesforce Record action

You must also have this feature enabled for your account.

For information about updating Salesforce records, see Updating a Salesforce record.


ObjectList of available Salesforce objects

The Salesforce object that you want to update.

Select the name of the object to update. The Object ID Field and Add Field list appear.

Object ID Field

All Salesforce records have a unique ID. Vonage Contact Center uses the value that you specify in this section to locate the Salesforce record to update.

Field NameStatic textSalesforce records store their unique IDs in a field. Field Name is the name of the ID field for the selected Salesforce object. Use the next two fields to identify the source of the data for this field.

Source TypeData Source, IVR SlotThe type of source that the data you want to use is contained in. Click either IVR Slot or Data Source. The Source list is populated with sources of the selected type.

SourceList of available data sources or IVR Slots

The specific source of the information you want to update the field with.

Select the data source or IVR Slot.

Add Field

List of fields available for the selected object

The Add Field list contains the fields available on the selected object. Click the field you want to update. Use Add Field to add and update as many fields on the selected Salesforce object as you want. Each time you select the name of a field a new row is added to the table with corresponding Source Type and Source fields.

You must updatefields that are required by the Salesforce object.
Fields to Update

Field Name

Static text

Contains the selected field. Use the next two fields to identify the source of the data for this field.

Source TypeData Source, IVR Slot

The type of source that the data you want to use is contained in. Click either IVR Slot or Data Source. The Source list is populated with sources of the selected type.

SourceList of available data sources or IVR Slots

The source of the data. Click the source that contains the data for the field.

*If you select Data Source in the Source Type field, the list in the Source field, in which you select the actual data source to use, contains both IVR slot and data source names. IVR slot names are prefixed with 'IVR Slot|'. If you want to use an IVR slot value, we recommend that you select Data Source in the Source Type field and then select the IVR slot name in the Source field.

MS Dynamics

Available in:

  • MS Dynamics interface, Update MS Dynamics Data action

You must also have this feature enabled for your account.

For information about updating MS Dynamics records, see Updating a record in an integrated and linked CRM system.


ObjectThe Object list contains the available Dynamics 365 objects. Click the object you want to update. The ID Field and Add Field list appears.

Object ID Field

All Dynamics 365 records have a unique ID. Vonage Contact Center uses the value that you specify in this section to locate the Dynamics 365 record to update.

Field NameField Name is ID. Use the Source field to identify the source of the data for this field.

SourceThe source of the data. Click the data source that contains the data for the field.

Add Field

The Add Field list contains the fields available on the selected object. Click the field you want to populate. The Fields to Populate section appears. Use Add Field to add and populate as many fields on the selected Dynamics 365 object as you want.

Fields to Populate

Field NameContains the selected field. Use the Source field to identify the source of the data for this field.

SourceThe source of the data. Click the data source that contains the data for the field.

SOQL Editor

Available in:

  • Salesforce interface, Use SOQL is enabled

You must also have this feature enabled for your account.


The SOQL query that describes what data to retrieve from Salesforce. For information about using SOQL to retrieve data from Salesforce using the Data Connector applet, see Retrieving data from Salesforce using Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL).

Web Service Interaction

Available in:

  • Web Service interface, Call Web Service action

You must also have this feature enabled for your account.

(Only available if you select the Web Service interface and the Call Web Service action. You must also have this feature enabled for your account.)

Interaction Definition

The XML that describes how to contact and retrieve data from or send data to the external web service. For information about exchanging data with an external web service using the Data Connector applet, see Retrieving data from and sending data to a Web Service.

Interaction Definition Test
Optionally use the Interaction Definition Test section to test your web service interaction definition in the Interaction Definition field. For information about testing your web service interaction definition, see Testing your web service interaction definition.

Request/Response Definition

Available in:

  • Web Service interface when Action contains a template

You must also have this feature enabled for your account.


If present, the request area contains one or more request parameters. Specify a value for each of the available parameters. You can include placeholders to insert Data Source or custom configuration values into the request parameters.

For more information, see Retrieving data from and sending data to a Web Service.

ResponseIf present, the response area contains one or more response values that the web service returns. Specify the locator for each of the response values. The value or values are stored in Data Sources for use later, if required, in your interaction plan. The names of the Data Sources are defined in the template. You will need to know the names of the Data Sources to use them.
Resulting Data SourcesIf the web service returns one or more response values, the Resulting Data Sources section appears. Resulting Data Sources displays the created data sources and the data type.

Data sources

Available in:

  • Omni-Channel flows for SCV interface

You must also have this feature enabled for your account.

Interaction plan name

Type the name of an existing or new data source. This data source will contain the interaction plan that the Salesforce Omni-Channel flow returns. For more information, see Configuring Vonage Contact Center to use Salesforce Omni-Channel flows.

Agent ID

Type the name of an existing or new data source. This data source will contain the agent ID that the Salesforce Omni-Channel flow returns. For more information, see Configuring Vonage Contact Center to use Salesforce Omni-Channel flows.

Omni-Channel flow settings

Available in:

  • Omni-Channel flows for SCV interface

You must also have this feature enabled for your account.

Dialed number

The original number that the caller dialed. Salesforce will use this to determine the Omni-Channel flow to use and the fallback queue if you do not specify them in Flow and Fallback queue.

For more information, see Configuring Vonage Contact Center to use Salesforce Omni-Channel flows.


Optional. The developer name in Salesforce of an existing Omni-Channel flow that you want to route the inbound call to. If you don't already have a flow that you want to use, provide the name when you have created it.

You need to provide a Flow if you have not created a channel in your call center, or if you want to override the Omni-Channel flow used for the dialed number.

For more information, see Configuring Vonage Contact Center to use Salesforce Omni-Channel flows.

Fallback queue

Optional. The developer name or ID in Salesforce of the queue to use in case the Omni-Channel flow fails.

You need to provide a Fallback queue if you have not created a channel in your call center, or if you want to override the Omni-Channel flow used for the dialed number.

For more information, see Configuring Vonage Contact Center to use Salesforce Omni-Channel flows.

Omni-Channel flow properties

Available in:

  • Omni-Channel flows for SCV interface

You must also have this feature enabled for your account.

Property name

Provide additional properties that the Omni-Channel flow can use in determining the target interaction plan.

Click Add Row to add more properties.

For more information, see Configuring Vonage Contact Center to use Salesforce Omni-Channel flows.



Successful ActionList of available applets

The applet that the call is routed to if the Data Connector is successful:

  • using the Salesforce interface, if the Data Connector finds a match for the chosen object in Salesforce
  • using the Web Service interface, if the web service that the Data Connector calls returns any response
  • using the MS Dynamics interface, if the Data Connector finds a match for the chosen object in Dynamics 365
  • using the Omni-Channel flows for SCV interface, if the Data Connector connects to and triggers the Omni-Channel flow.
Multiple Salesforce Matches / Multiple MatchesList of available applets

The applet that the call is routed to if the applet finds multiple matches for the chosen object in Salesforce or Dynamics 365. This field is only available if you select the Salesforce or MS Dynamics interface and is unavailable if you select Retrieve Multiple Records.

No Salesforce Match / No MatchList of available appletsThe applet that the call is routed to if the applet finds no match for the chosen object in Salesforce or Dynamics 365. This field is only available if you select the Salesforce or MS Dynamics interface.

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